![jose rizal](https://images.summitmedia-digital.com/spotph/images/2021/09/24/jose-rizal-grades-in-ust-640-1632455178.jpg)
Considered one of the top performing local educational institutions in medicine, the University of Santo Tomas has produced countless medical professionals in its centuries of operation. And among the list of doctors who built their foundation in medicine by studying at University of Santo Tomas (UST) is the Philippines' national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal.
Ever wondered how someone of Dr. Jose Rizal's stature fared under the medical track of UST? The UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery recently released a copy of Rizal's grades from back when he was still a student in the university and also shared that he was, in fact, an "above-average student." Additionally, the post adds that, out of 24 med students in his batch, Rizal was one of only seven who successfully completed the program. He finished his medical training in second place.
Check out Jose Rizal's official transcript of grades from his days at UST:
During his first school year at UST (1877 to 1878), Rizal took up a preparatory course of Theology and Law before shifting to take up Medicine after one school year. Out of 21 subjects he took during his stay, Rizal received six Sobresaliente marks (which equates to an Excellent mark), six Notable or Aprovechado marks (which equates to Very Good), eight Bueno marks (a.k.a. Good), and one Aprobado (a passing grade).
![jose rizal](https://images.summitmedia-digital.com/spotph/images/2021/09/24/ust-jose-rizal-grades-1632453672.jpeg)
The six Sobresaliente marks he received were for the subjects Cosmology, Metaphysics, Theodicy, History of Philosophy, Advanced Chemistry, and Therapeutics, Medical Matter and Art of Prescribing. The two Aprovechado marks were for Advanced Physics and Advanced Natural History while the four Notable marks are for Medical Pathology, Surgical Pathology, Obstetrics, Sickness of Women and Children, and Siphilography.
Meanwhile, Rizal's eight Bueno grades were for General Anatomy and Histology I, Descriptive Anatomy I, Exercises of Osteology and Dissection, General Anatomy and Histology II, Descriptive Anatomy II, Exercises of Dissection, Physiology, Private and Public Hygiene, and Surgical Anatomy, Operations, External Medical Applications and Bandages. His only Aprobado grade was for the subject General Pathology, its Clinic, and Pathologic Histology—yup, even the national hero slips up in a few subjects!
After his days at UST, Rizal attended the Madrid Central University in Spain where he obtained his Licentiate in Medicine. He went on to study at the University of Heidelberg in Germany to learn about opthalmology.
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Source: Spot PH
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