Tuesday, March 16, 2021

How to Keep Safe From COVID-19 When You're at Work

Employees have returned to their new normal workplaces over the past year, all while balancing COVID safety and economic recovery.

However, virus transmissions in the workplace remain a threat even after a year of lockdowns and the long-awaited start of vaccinations, with some employees inadvertently bringing the virus home from work.

The country's economic managers and officials insist the economy can no longer withstand stricter quarantines, meaning a push for a stricter implementation of safety measures in office buildings.

We gathered practical tips from local governments and infectious disease experts at the forefront of fighting the pandemic.

Here's how to keep safe in the workplace:

For the employer:

  • Implement a strict 'no face mask and shield, no entry' policy
  • If possible, provide transportation options for employees to reduce exposure during commutes
  • Separate entrances and exits with one-way foot traffic are recommended to avoid mingling
  • Hand sanitizing stations and dispensers filled with disinfectants should be placed in strategic locations
  • Require a contact tracing log at each entrance
  • If feasible, provide improvised acryclic or plastic barriers between employees to lessen risk of transmission
  • Practice frequent disinfection of high-touch objects like buttons, railings, counters, and door handles
  • Equipment used by multiple people, such as microphones, must be disinfected in between use
  • Immediately isolate employees with symptoms

For the employee:

  • Wear your face mask and face shield at all times
  • Maintain proper distance with co-workers
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Carry a small bottle of alcohol with you at all times
  • Bring and wear only the essentials-it will mean less things to disinfect
  • Push doors and elevator buttons with your elbow
  • If you can, eat lunch alone
  • Best to bring your own utensils and food
  • Have to buy lunch? Check if cashless payments and disposable utensils at the cafeteria are an option
  • If eating with a group, keep the group small and spend the break with people from the same department or unit
  • Avoid going to other locations beyond the workplace

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Source: Spot PH

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