(SPOT.ph) Tom Holland is notorious for accidentally dropping spoilers related to the Marvel Cinematic Universe but it looks like he finally got the upper hand with his latest gag. Holland, along with co-stars Zendaya and Jacob Batalon, each gifted folks with three different stills from the much-awaited Spider-Man 3 movie on Instagram—accompanied by three different title cards.
The first looks showed the trio, Peter Parker (Holland), M.J. (Zendaya), and Ned (Batalon) together in what looks to be an abandoned warehouse. Holland's post showed a pic of the trio standing in sunlight looking at something off-screen, Zendaya's post had the three around a laptop, while Batalon's showed them at standing at a doorway looking like something big is about to go down. Their title cards? Spider-Man: Phone Home, Spider-Man: Home Slice, and Spider-Man: Home-Wrecker, respectively. Very funny, guys.
Unsurprisingly, the Internet had a hilarious meltdown trying to figure out whether this was just a massive troll or whether the names actually hint at something. News and rumors about the third Spider-Man movie have been making rounds since Homecoming, the second movie dropped in 2017. Everything from Tobey Maguire and Andrew Maguire—Holland has no idea, so he says—popping up to, of course, the name, has been discussed.
Very surprisingly, Holland has been very good at dropping zero spoilers for the third film of his Spidey-verse. Details on plot have been scarce, and Holland continues to claim that even he has no idea what the movie is about. So BRB while we rack our brains guessing what the movie will be about! In the meantime, check out the trio's epic troll below. Note how each one of them puts emphasis on the "title" in their captions.
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