(SPOT.ph) A lot has been said about life pre-pandemic: Gone are the days of crowding in confined spaces, enoying a meal in a packed restaurant, or even going to the movie theaters. With our usual activities halted, a part of us wants to go back to how things were before all this came down, and this is why we asked you to post your "old normal" photos on our Facebook page.
Here are some of our picks from the many wonderful submissions we got. From going to new places to noticing the smallest details and perhaps even missing the chaotic commute scene of the Metro, these photos give us happy thoughts of how things used to be and keep us hopeful for better days ahead.
For next week's edition of Random Photos, we are looking for pictures of beautiful sunsets taken in the Philippines. We don't know if it's just us, but we're all for magnificent views—even if they're just pictures. Send them to our e-mail address and it might just be part of next week's edition!
Got something funny to submit? E-mail us at 10randomphotos@gmail.com and we'll gladly share it. Don't forget to add photo credits.

Got something funny to submit? E-mail us at 10randomphotos@gmail.com and we'll gladly share it. Don't forget to add photo credits.
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Source: Spot PH
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