Shiny Pokémon have been a phenomenon within the franchise for years now, mainly for their rarity in the games. Catching a Shiny has always been considered a huge moment within the games, but the arrival and inclusion of Shiny Pokémon in the anime is a fresh way of enjoying the different designs.
There are several examples of Pokémon being a different color in the anime, but these aren't always considered to be Shiny Pokémon. For all the true Shinies in the anime, however, there are both a number of really strong Pokémon and also Pokémon that aren't necessarily battling species or even featured prominently in an episode.
10 Clair Adds A Shiny Druddigon To Her Team Of Powerful Dragon Types

In the Pokémon Black & White episode aptly named "A Pokémon Of A Different Color," Ash runs into Blackthorn City Gym Leader and Dragon-type specialist Clair for the first time since they met back in Johto. Clair is at Cave Island in search of a rare Druddigon with different coloring, with Ash and friends joining her for the search.
Team Rocket overhears about the rare Pokémon and naturally conducts their own search, which ends up provoking the ferocious Dragon-type. Druddigon easily smashes Team Rocket aside, but when it turns to attack Ash and friends, Clair uses her expertise to calm the Pokémon down. Druddigon subsequently joins the Gym Leader's team.
9 Two Shiny Guzzlord Crash The Party At The Climax Of The Manalo Conference

During "Z-Move Showdown!," multiple Ultra Beasts called Guzzlord appear at the climax of the Manalo Conference tournament. With Team Rocket, Bewear, and the Island Kahunas dealing with one Guzzlord, two more appear through Ultra Wormholes, and they're both Shiny versions.
The fact that it takes multiple Pokémon to defeat each Guzzlord is a testament to the Ultra Beast's power. The Masked Royal's Lucario and several others initially struggled to keep up with it. Naganadel and Pikachu use Z-Moves to send one Shiny Guzzlord back through the Ultra Wormhole while the other students combine forces with Gladion and Hau to deal with the other.
8 A Pikachu Named The Boss Showcases Its Strength With A Z-Move

Ash's Pikachu has met others of his species on multiple occasions over the course of the entire anime. In the Sun & Moon series, Ash and his friends visit the Pikachu Valley, where they meet a Pikachu-obsessed trainer named Pikala and a horde of Pikachu.
When Pikachu attracts interest from a female Pikachu named Curly, he's approached by a Shiny Pikachu nicknamed the Boss. Pikachu earns the Boss's respect by beating him in battle, but the Boss combines with Pikala to use a Z-Move called Catastropika to showcase this Shiny Pikachu's true power.
7 Winona's Shiny Swellow Only Narrowly Loses To Ash's Own Swellow

On his Hoenn adventures, Ash encounters a Shiny Swellow when he battles the Fortree City Gym Leader Winona. Its design arguably looks more like a Shiny than simply giving it a different coloring.
Winona's Swellow is able to defeat Ash's Grovyle, which sets up a Swellow versus Swellow bout to decide the entire battle. The Shiny Pokémon has the obvious advantage and experience over Ash's Swellow, but Ash utilizes some clever improvisation for his Swellow and ultimately picks up the victory.
6 Shiny Magneton Almost Causes An Upset By Itself At The Johto League

Magneton has had its ups and downs in its Pokémon anime appearances, such as its humiliating defeat under Wattson against Ash in Hoenn particularly standing out. However, at the Johto League Silver Conference, Jackson, also known as Vincent, uses a Shiny Magneton against Ash.
Jackson's Magneton surprised everybody by defeating not only Ash's Pikachu, but Cyndaquil too, before falling to Bulbasaur. The battle is often remembered for the double knockout between Bulbasaur and Meganium, but Shiny Magneton is the real highlight of this group stage bout.
5 Noctowl Carries Ash Through His Ecruteak Gym Challenge

Ash's Noctowl isn't involved in many battles compared to his Flying-type acquisitions from other regions, but it still helps overcome Morty's tricky Ghost types at the Ecruteak City Gym in Johto. It also helps out against Conway's Lickylicky at the Lily of the Valley Conference in Sinnoh.
Ash's Noctowl is the first Shiny Pokémon to appear in the anime, disregarding the alternative colors of Pokémon that aren't official Shinies. It displays nine different moves that showcase its Flying and Psychic-type offense as well as strategic moves like Foresight and Whirlwind.
4 Shiny Raikou, Suicune, & Entei Do Battle With Zoroark & Its Illusions

In Zoroark: Master Of Illusions, the Legendary Beasts Raikou, Suicune, and Entei are adored as guardians of Crown City, leaping in to defend it when they believe Zoroark is destroying the city. Illusions are mostly at play, with the main antagonist Kodai manipulating illusions to lay blame on Zoroark for allegedly attacking the city.
Without entirely understanding the situation, the Shiny Legendary Beasts attack Zoroark, who switches between guises of each of its three opponents. The ensuing battle is fierce but is eventually stopped by other Pokémon that live in Crown City that tell the Legendary trio that Zoroark isn't actually the enemy. The Shiny versions of the legitimate Legendary trio help to distinguish between them and Zoroark's disguises.
3 Shiny Mega Rayquaza Helps To Restore Peace In The Hoopa Movie

In Hoopa And The Clash Of Ages, a Shiny Rayquaza is summoned by Hoopa alongside Latios and Latias in order to defend Dahara City from Shadow Hoopa. Several Legendary Pokémon, including Primal Groudon, Giratina, and Kyurem, are summoned as well.
The Shiny Rayquaza, Latios, and Latias all Mega Evolve in an attempt to keep the attacking Pokémon at bay, and they are eventually victorious. Shiny Rayquaza's darker coloring makes for a more imposing look for the Legendary Sky High Pokémon.
2 Shiny Metagross Is Shown To Be Monstrously Powerful

There are two strong showings for Metagross's Shiny form in the anime. In the Diamond & Pearl episode "Noodles! Roamin' Off!," Team Rocket is in disarray and on the verge of permanently disbanding before James encounters and struggles against a powerful Shiny Metagross, which inspires his friends to help him.
However, the best showcase of a Shiny Metagross comes in the X & Y series when Steven returns with a Metagross capable of Mega Evolution. It looks comfortable and composed in a battle against Alain's formidable Charizard until the bout is interrupted. In "Mega Evolution III," it takes on Primal Kyogre by itself and holds its own.
1 Both Lance & Lysandre Show Off Powerful Shiny Gyarados

Gyarados is shown off in the anime to varying degrees and there are even two huge involvements for Shiny Red Gyarados under the ownership of both Lance and Lysandre. Ash never battles Lance's Gyarados himself but he does witness it utilizing Dynamax when facing off against Leon's Charizard in Pokémon Journeys.
In X & Y, Lysandre attacks Ash and friends with his Mega Gyarados and it proves too powerful for most of the Pokémon from Ash's group until it eventually succumbs. Shiny Gyarados are made to look even stronger than normal versions of the species and the red coloring adding to a more intimidating look.
Source: Trendz OH
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