For fans of the gritty world of The Wolf Among Us, the second installment of the series became as much a fable as its fairytale characters. Initially announced in 2017 during a Telltale Games summer update, developers delayed The Wolf Among Us 2's release date numerous times. Eventually, Telltale declared the game canceled, much to fans' disappointment, following a majority studio closure in 2018. Luckily, LCG Entertainment swept in like a fairy godmother to revive Telltale Games, bringing The Wolf Among Us and other popular titles back to life. Several years on, news of The Wolf Among Us 2 and its release date are slowly circulating again, giving the series' patient fans hope at long last.
Dark and gritty, the world of The Wolf Among Us asks the question, what would fairy tale characters do in the real world? Based on the Fables comic series by Bill Willingham, the premise follows Bigby Wolf, aka THE big bad wolf, as he chases down a serial killer leaving behind a long bloody trail of murdered fables. Many beloved fairy tale characters are featured within the game, mostly seen adapting to violent pop culture in a hidden neighborhood known as Fabletown. Following the announcement that The Wolf Among Us 2 is back in production, fans are now wondering what new plotlines from the books and which as-of-yet unseen fairytale characters they may see in the game. The Wolf Among Us already featured some pretty iconic characters, such as The Little Mermaid and Snow White, but there is still plenty from the Fables series left to explore.

Perhaps the most asked-for plot for The Wolf Among Us 2 is visiting The Farm, a second, hidden environment where all non-human fables reside. Many popular fairytale characters such as The Three Little Pigs and the Cheshire Cat live here, although there is growing unrest among the residents. In Fables' second volume, Animal Farm, Snow White visits The Farm and is met with gloom and discontent. Despite its comforts, many of the fables living on The Farm consider it a prison. This concept could be an exciting arc to explore, especially considering Bigby is forbidden from entering the property, making room for a new perspective and protagonist.
Considering the artistic direction Telltale took with the first game, it would be interesting to see what some of the iconic fables on The Farm look and act like, although there are a handful of characters that would likely suit the games' universe more than others. A fed-up hitman Puss in Boots would be both fantastic and amusing. Alternatively, following the idea of a prison, the game could feature many different factions of characters, with some plotting against others. Imagine Shere Khan going head-to-head with Winnie the Pooh, sporting shaved fur and tattoos. Overall, the amalgamation of characters kicking about at The Farm is currently a missed opportunity, and it'd be terrific to see some more familiar non-human faces make their way into The Wolf Among Us 2.

While exploring Snow White's past is arguably the easiest route to take, that doesn't necessarily make it the worst. Snow White has many iconic characters included in her story, including Rose Red, better known as Little Red Riding Hood, and Prince Charming. While Bigby is a fantastic lead, playing the game from Snow White's perspective would certainly make for a refreshing change of pace. Despite being an established character within the game, much of her history and lore have been left unexplored. Unlike Bigby, Snow doesn't have claws to turn to when things get out of hand, although she certainly has authority over the other characters. This vulnerability leads to impossible decisions and tension, making for an engaging storyline. Plus, seeing Snow White forced into situations she's previously scolded Bigby for could make for interesting character development.
With plenty of unexplored fables and popular characters yet to be introduced, the cast and plot for The Wolf Among Us 2 is an exciting mystery. While fans are almost guaranteed to catch up with Bigby and Snow, seeing some new and iconic faces and names is sure to please the games' audience. Despite being years in the making, the hype around The Wolf Among Us 2 has yet to die down. Regardless of the path developers choose to take with The Wolf Among Us 2, fans seem pleased to finally be receiving more news.
Source: Trendz OH
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