Back To The Outback is an animated film available on Netflix. A group of "ugly and dangerous" animals, tired of being treated like monsters and put on display for terrified audiences, decide to escape from captivity in order to go to the outback, where many other animals like them reside.
Their goal is to find their families, while avoiding Chaz and his son Chazzie, who are hunting them in hopes of returning them to captivity. The film teaches a plethora of beautiful lessons, tackling issues of conventional beauty, insecurity, and what it means to be a family.
10 Telling Too Many Lies Can Lead To Big Problems

Chaz Hunt fed his son Chazzie several fictional stories. These adventures that he described were wild and imaginative, but gave his son incredibly high expectations of him. As a result, his son pressured him into hunting down the animals that escaped from captivity. He was convinced that his father could do anything, making him blind to Chaz's plight – such as when he was attacked by Tasmanian devils. For a while, Chaz allowed his son to push him around so he could keep up the facade, but he eventually cracked and revealed the truth since the lies only made things worse.
9 Animals Deserve Respect

People and animals deserve respect, and if they don't get it, they will usually lash out or leave. The way that Chaz treated his animals was downright cruel, as he put the ones that weren't conventionally cute on display as freaks and threw them back into their boxes when he was done with them.
He was no better to Pretty Boy, treating him as a disposable has-been and inadvertently pushing the koala to helping the other escaped animals. Animals in real life need to be treated with dignity and have their basic needs met if they are in captivity. They may not talk, but they are still living creatures.
8 No One's Life Is Perfect

No one's life is perfect, even if they look perfect. Everyone has their own issues that they need to deal with, and these issues aren’t usually obvious. It was only after Maddie talked to Pretty Boy that she discovered he wasn't fully content with his life before escaping. He had cameras monitoring him 24/7 so he never had privacy, people expected him to behave a certain way, and he never knew his parents. Although he was a little shallow, relying on his looks was all he learned to do. That was why it was so difficult for him to adapt after he was removed from captivity.
7 Don't Be Afraid To Take Risks

Sometimes it's good to take risks. The animals escaped captivity because they knew that going back to the outback was the best way for them to get a better life. Although the world was full of danger, they wanted to go out and experience it. This risk paid off, as they not only discovered who their true family was, but they discovered that there were many people out there who were willing to help them. They also found better lives for themselves in the outback, and even learned that Jackie was actually alright. If they never left, they would have continued being treated as monsters until they were taken away like Jackie was.
6 The Language Barrier Can Often Keep People From Seeing The Depth In Others

Chaz never saw Zoe's brilliance, Jackie's funny yet gentle nature, or even the depth of Maddie's love for him. If he was able to speak their language, these things may have become clearer to him. Unfortunately, a language barrier can keep people from fully understanding each other. It's important to know that even when two people don't speak the same language, there is a lot about a person's character and their intelligence that the other person may miss. Despite this, as long as both people are willing to look, there are a lot of wonderful things they can discover about each other.
5 Looking Alike Doesn't Ensure Compatibility

Although two people may look alike, this doesn't mean that they will automatically get along. When Pretty Boy first saw the other Koalas, he assumed that he would be happier with them.
However, he quickly realized that he could not stand being around them because of the nonstop gossiping. This was when he realized that spending time with other attractive people wasn't enough to make him happy. Though he didn't share any visual similarities with Maddie and his other friends, he felt a stronger connection with them.
4 Something Hurtful Can Often Stand Out Amidst Compliments

Unfortunately, something negative is capable of drowning out the positive. Both Maddie and Pretty Boy heard people tell them that they were gorgeous for years, but were immediately crushed the instant those people turned on them and called them hideous monsters. As a result, the compliments felt like lies. Maddie instinctively hid her fangs from the world, and they became a source of shame to her. Insulting another person can cause more damage than most people realize, and this makes it absolutely crucial for people to watch what they say and apologize when necessary.
3 Fame And Beauty Are Fleeting

When Pretty Boy was forcibly taken out of captivity, he quickly realized that his fame was never intended to last forever. He was immediately replaced by another cute animal, and Chaz had no intention of bringing him back to his enclosure. His beauty also faded, due to the unfortunate circumstances that his adventure put him through. Over time, Pretty Boy learned that neither of those things were truly important compared to having close friends who are able to see inner beauty.
2 People Shouldn't Worry About Proving Themselves To Others

People shouldn't concern themselves with proving themselves to others. Chaz was gripped by a desperation to prove that he was both manly and the kind of father that his son deserved. He told Chazzie that he was hunting the animals for his son's sake, but this wasn't really true. Chazzie already proved that he loved his father by accepting the truth well, and offering to just go home and play video games together. Chaz's real goal was to prove to himself that he was actually tough, and not the bullied child he was in the past. Telling his son that he was doing something for his sake only made Chazzie feel uncomfortable and guilty.
1 Families Help Each Other

The movie emphasized the importance of helping family. These bonds are thicker than blood. Pretty Boy was willing to call himself ugly and help Maddie save their friends at the end of the film, as he really did care for them. The group of escapee animals were always eager to help each other out of sticky situations, and even the animals in the outback proved that they considered them family by pitching in. The U.S.S. were also a type of family, creating a support system for people who shared a similar plight.
Source: Trendz OH
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