Monday, July 26, 2021

The #SONA 2021, As Told Through the Best Twitter Reactions

sona 2021

( Well, we can all agree that was really long. President Rodrigo Duterte has delivered his final State of the Nation Address—"but not my last swan song," he says—and it took around three hours, arguably one of the longest SONA in recent history. To compare, the record he broke was the final address of the late Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino's in 2015 which clocked in two hours and 15 minutes, according to Rappler's Pia Ranada

And Duterte sure made use of the three hours. For his last SONA, we had all the usual suspects: the "war on drugs," a shout-out for Bong Go, telling folks to "shoot [insert random group of villains here] dead," sexist "jokes." and more. If you're not interested in hearing all that, we recap the event in tweets! Is this a reliable method worth making your final judgments on? Heck no. Is it far more entertaining and less taxing on your brain cells? Yup.

Also read: 10 Lines That Stood Out From #SONA2021

From journalists fact-checking his statements to online fact-checkers giving up, from angery reacts to, of course, a healthy dose of memes, this final SONA definitely had people all up in their feelings. We completely understand. If you need time to laugh bitterly at things, check out the best tweets below:

The #SONA 2021, as told through the best tweets:


The broadsheet's Twitter leading us in with some handy-dandy bingo cards.


We wonder how the teleprompter's doing.


Say that again, we double dare you.


Still waiting.


Dropping the facts.


A mood.




Your vote counts!


Whoa, is that self-awareness?





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Source: Spot PH

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