Sunday, June 27, 2021

GCQ Extension for Another Month Advised by OCTA Research Group

general community quarantine
PHOTO BY Jerome Ascano

( Metro Manila's vaccination program may be at full speed through efforts by local government units, but that doesn't mean we can go back to life pre-pandemic. The OCTA Research Group is recommending that the General Community Quarantine status in the National Capital Region be extended at least until July amid the threat of COVID-19 variants like Delta and Delta Plus

The Delta variant was first seen in India, and responsible for the numerous deaths that swept the South Asian nation. The Delta Plus variant is believed to be more transmissible than all the other strains like the Alpha and Delta variants.

"For the [National Capital Region], we could add capacity to businesses. We could open some other businesses, but I agree with the position of the [Department of Health] that we should maintain General Community Quarantine (GCQ) in the National Capital Region (NCR) because although the trend is decreasing, the virus is still present," OCTA Research fellow Guido David said in a CNN Philippines interview.

Likewise, San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora agreed with David's recommendation.

"Given that there is indeed a real threat [brought by] the Delta variant and there's still cases, although low, but sustained, I would rather keep the GCQ status. Right now, we are seeing that businesses are operating, the economy is functioning while cases remain stable so I would rather have the GCQ," Zamora said.

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Source: Spot PH

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