Sunday, April 18, 2021

These Essential Workers Are Next on the Vaccine Priority List

With vaccines currently given to priority groups A1 (health frontliners), A2 (senior citizens), and A3 (with comorbidities), the Inter-Agency Task Force on COVID-19 has identified those who are next in line for the vaccine. Those who qualify as A4 or fourth priority in the government's vaccination program include vendors, delivery staff, priests, OFWs and other workers deemed essential.

Those who belong under the A4 category or essential workers are the following, according to Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque:

  • Frontline workers in groceries, supermarkets, delivery services
  • Workers in manufacturing for food, beverage, medical and pharmaceutical products frontline workers in food retail, including food service delivery
  • Frontline workers in private and government financial services
  • Frontline workers in hotels and accommodation establishments
  • Priests, rabbis, imams, and other religious leaders
  • Security guards/ personnel assigned in offices, agencies, and organizations identified in the list of priority industries/sectors
  • Frontline workers in private and government news media; customer-facing personnel of telecoms, cable and internet service providers, electricity distribution and water distribution utilities
  • Frontline personnel in basic education and higher education institutions and agencies
  • Overseas Filipino workers, including those scheduled for deployment within two months.
  • Frontline workers in law/justice, security, and social protection sectors
  • Frontline government workers engaged in the operations of government transport system, quarantine inspection; worker safety inspection and other COVID-19 response activities
  • Frontline government workers in charge of tax collection, assessment of businesses for incentives, election, national ID, data collection personnel; diplomatic community and Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) personnel in consular operations
  • Department of Public Works and Highways personnel in charge of monitoring government infrastructure projects

After the A4 vaccine priority group are those who are part of the indigent population not otherwise included in the preceding categories, which is classified as A5.

Next to receive the vaccine are these groups:

  • B1: Teachers, social workers
  • B2: Other government workers
  • B3: Other essential workers
  • B4: Socio-demographic groups at significantly higher risk other than senior citizens and indigenous people
  • B5: Overseas Filipino workers
  • B6: Other remaining workforce

The rest of the Filipino population not otherwise included in the groups above is categorized under the C category.

. Minor edits have been made by the editors.

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Source: Spot PH

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