Sunday, April 11, 2021

10 Random Photos to Start Your Week

( And just like that, another long weekend is gone. Chin up, folks, we've got another week to keep on fighting! To start you off this Monday, we round up photos of a strange rental, unexpected recyclables, and more. Don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back today—you deserve it.

Got something funny to submit? E-mail us at and we'll gladly share it. Don't forget to add photo credits!

Check out these random photos:

One does not belong!
PHOTO BY Kathleen James
random photos
We couldn't even make it past "Mommy Shark."
PHOTO BY Aldrin Labarda
This deserves a double-take.
PHOTO BY Owel Puntil
Sana oil, indeed.
PHOTO BY Jen Lucero
Filed under "Rules meant to be broken."
PHOTO BY Ilet Calangi
random photos
Why does the schedule come with a warning sign?
PHOTO BY Robert Son Rivera
Thanks for the honesty?
PHOTO BY Zenith Marie Badiola
random photos
PHOTO BY Roy Lorete Jr.
random photos
PHOTO BY Lord Eilser Lebajan

Got something funny to submit? E-mail us at and we'll gladly share it. Don't forget to add photo credits!

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Source: Spot PH

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