Wednesday, February 10, 2021

These Tweets About the UP Fair Are a Nostalgia Trip

up fair
PHOTO BY Facebook/UP Fair

( February 14 is just around the corner—and for most University of the Philippines students, alumni, and friends of students and alumni, that means it's University of the Philippines (Diliman) Fair week. Or at least it should be had we not been stuck in a weird time warp (a.k.a. the global pandemic and never-ending quarantine) for a year.

The annual UP Fair is a crowd-drawing, week-long event that attracts thousands of people from within and outside the UP community. It is held at the Sunken Garden, where a huge stage is surrounded by rows of food booths and perya rides. The performances, which are all of local bands, start while the sun is still up (and classes are still ongoing) and go on all the way past midnight. The best thing about it? You can listen to musicians as big as Up Dharma Down, Eraserheads, and Sandwich for just a few hundred bucks (even less, back in the day).

up fair
UP Fair 2019
PHOTO BY Facebook/UP Fair
up fair
PHOTO BY Facebook/UP Fair

But it's not just a week of partying. Organized by the university student council in partnership with various student groups, it is also a fundraising activity for local UP communities like student-athletes and dormers. Every night is a call for unity and action, a platform to campaign and raise awareness about national issuesharking back to UP Fair's beginnings as an avenue for dissent against the declaration of Martial Law in the '70s. It was originally held in September, but the post-Martial Law years' UP Fairs have been held for five to six days during Valentine's week, which happens to be closer to the founding date of UP's Diliman campus (February 12, 1949).


And it being Valentine's week, people on Twitter are reminiscing about the good ol' days of the UP Fair in the BC (before coronavirus) years.

Check out these nostalgic tweets about the UP Fair:


Tickets sell out fast.


It was the perfect way to celebrate V-Day alone.


We still remember our kalat days.


And of course, the kalat people with it.


It's week-long gig where we see both student bands and popular OPM musicians.


People also miss being with people.


Sarah's meant pre-game to post-UP Fair drinks.


Shots fired!


We see what you did there.


The UP Fair is one of the university's venues for raising awareness about national issues.

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Source: Spot PH

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