Saturday, April 2, 2022

10 Smartest Marvel Scientists, Ranked | CBR

Marvel was built on superhero scientists. When the publisher returned to superhero publishing in the Silver Age, they embraced the scientific obsession of the Sixties. Most of the new characters were scientists or science adjacent and since then, the Marvel Universe has boasted some of the most intelligent superhero and supervillain scientists in comics. They've created some of the greatest examples of super science ever, saving the day or endangering the world depending on the morals of the scientist.

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Marvel super science is a crowded field, with some exemplars jumping out in front of the others. These heroes and villains are the pinnacle of the Marvel scientific community.

10 The Leader's Gamma Enhanced Intelligence Put Him Among The Greats

Before his exposure to gamma radiation, Samuel Sterns was nothing special. Afterwards, he became the Leader, his mind enhanced to a level no one could have foreseen. He made a name for himself pitting his brains against the Hulk's brawn, challenging the monster in different ways than he was used to. The Leader quickly became one of the smartest villains.

If there's any drawback to the Leader, it's that he doesn't really invent anything too great. He is easily more intelligent than other scientists but his lack of great original achievements keeps him lower ranked than many who aren't as smart but accomplished more.

9 Bruce Banner's Mastery Of Nuclear Physics Is Unmatched

Bruce Banner had a bright future ahead of him. Overcoming a terribly abusive childhood, he became one of the foremost nuclear physicists in the US and created the gamma bomb, a weapon that destroyed buildings but left the people around alive. Unfortunately, an attempt to rescue a young man on the bomb range transformed him into the Hulk.

That halted his scientific career, but there's no denying how smart he is. Over the years, he's been able to continue his work in different ways, sometimes taking control of the Hulk and acting as Professor Hulk. The Hulk is the strongest one there is, but Banner is one of the smartest.

8 Forge's Mutant Powers Make Him One Of The Greatest Inventors On The Planet

Forge's mutant powers allows him to create whatever needs to, making him one of the most important X-Men whenever he's with the team. No engineering problem is insurmountable for him given enough time and he's even proven to be quite adaptable, learning to incorporate Krakoan biotechnology into his designs. He's arguably the greatest engineer on the planet.

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Forge's inventions are always among the best and while his skill is partly because of his powers, he's also learned a lot over the years. He's as comfortable talking about mutant biology as he is multiversal sciences. Forge's tech has made him indispensable.

7 Spider-Man Is A Scientific Prodigy

Before he was bit by the radioactive spider, Peter Parker was a bookish lad. More comfortable with a science textbook than with anything else, he was a very intelligent young man. That came in handy when he became Spider-Man, as he invented lots of technology to help fight crime. It's a wonder what he'd be able to create if he wasn't always hustling to keep a roof over his head.

When he has time, Spider-Man is one of the smartest heroes out there. Marvel Universe heavy hitters have asked for his help on numerous occasions and he brings a different way of doing things to the table, one that's helped a lot over the years.

6 Beast Is One The Premiere Biologists On The Planet

Beast has been with the X-Men for a long time. He's used his mutant powers to defend his kind and his prodigious intelligence to help them in other ways. He's become one of the foremost evolutionary biologists on the planet, working to make mutant lives easier through science. On top of that, he's also become well versed in a number of mechanical and theoretical sciences as well.

Beast has constantly strove to become better in order to help his people survive the trials and tribulations of their existence. He's molded himself into a true scientific polymath, his knowledge always there for the advancement of mutantkind.

5 Hank Pym's Scientific Know How Has Created Wonders And Horrors

Hank Pym's creation of the Pym particles started him down the road to heroism. A rather prolific inventor, he created a helmet that allowed him to communicate with ants, becoming Ant-Man, as well as the wings and weapons his girlfriend Janet Van Dyne would use as Wasp. The two helped found the Avengers and he become one of the team's most important and infamous members.

Hank Pym's greatest achievement was the creation of Ultron, an AI that has survived nearly every attempt at destruction and almost ended humanity more than once. While he's not exactly beneficial to humanity, Ultron is a big accomplishment and proves just how intelligent Pym can be.

4 Iron Man's Engineering Skills Are Amazing

Tony Stark believes that the human mind can solve any problem and has done his best to put that into practice. He made a name for himself as a weapons designer and created his first Iron Man armor with parts meant for a million other things. Since then, he's been creating cutting edge specialty armors and working with the most intelligent heroes on the planet.

Iron Man is good at two things- fighting evil and creating new technologies for his armors. His engineering skills are among the best in the world and he can learn how to use different technology spontaneously if he needs to.

3 Reed Richards Has Always Been One Of The Most Intelligent People On Planet

Reed Richards is the original Marvel polymath scientist. Reed doesn't have one specialization because he can master several subjects. He may make some mistakes at times but one can't downplay his scientific genius. He was the smartest superhero for a long time, creating technology that made the world a better place and funded the Fantastic Four for years.

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Reed's the person everyone goes to when they have a problem they can't solve. Even his worst enemies, all of whom believe themselves superior to him in some way, will begrudgingly admit that he's one of the best. Science and family are his life, often in that order, and he's created things that even the smartest can't replicate.

2 None Rival Doom

Doctor Doom is one of Marvel's greatest villains and also one of the smartest people on Earth. He's created the most potent suit of armor on the planet, one that allows him to be a threat to the gods. He's even made a time machine, something that his hated rival Reed Richards couldn't do until long after him.

His grasp of the sciences is bolstered by his acuity with magic, giving it an extra dimension. Doom is the total package. None but the smartest super scientists can contest with Doom and even then they usually only succeed because of the Latverian monarch's hubris.

1 Moon Girl's Terrigenesis Made Her The Smartest Person On Earth

The release of the Terrigen Mist clouds complicated mutant life but also produced many powerful Inhumans. Lunella Lafayette's Terrigenesis made her the smartest human being on Earth, surpassing geniuses like Richards, Doom, Banner, and more. With the help of the Devil Dinosaur, she fought evil with science and became one of the world's foremost scientists at a young age.

Moon Girl's creations were truly impressive. Her IQ gives her the potential to learn just about anything quickly. Moon Girl quickly hurdled over the pack to become the most intelligent scientist in the world.

NEXT: 10 Best Marvel Comics That Were Cut Short

Source: Trendz OH

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