Saturday, April 2, 2022

Was Palpatine’s Rise to Power Actually Planned in Star Wars?

While the Star Wars prequels focus on Anakin's fall to the Dark Side, they're also about Palpatine's rise to power. From a simple Senator of Naboo, to Chancellor of the Republic, then Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Palpatine's plan is undeniably impressive. But with just how convoluted it is, questions are raised about how much of it was actually planned, and how much was just the Sith Lord getting lucky.

Since the Sith's defeat millennia ago, they slowly grew their strength back over the years. With the infamous Rule of Two in place, each new Sith grew more powerful than the last, with the goal of eventually taking down the Jedi Order. Palpatine wanted to get closer to that goal than anyone before, and so he hatched a plan to gain power within the Senate.

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Almost the entirety of events seen in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace were due to Palpatine's planning. He initiated the invasion of Naboo as Darth Sidious, and then feigned concern about the invasion as Palpatine. With the current Chancellor not acting to stop the invasion, Padme Amidala started a Vote of No Confidence, and then persuaded the Senate to remove the current Chancellor and replace him with Palpatine.

Although a risky move, Palpatine got what he wanted. However, the plan didn't go as swimmingly as he had hoped. Padme was not meant to survive the invasion, and his apprentice Darth Maul was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi. This would've undoubtedly halted his plans for some time, as he needed to work on finding a new apprentice and figure out his next step.

This is where a large amount of luck comes into Palpatine's plan. Anakin Skywalker, considered to be The Chosen One, just happened to be found at a young age. Palpatine immediately saw his potential, and got to work manipulating him slowly throughout his life. Then came the discovery of the clone army, which was the largest streak of luck by far.

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Star Wars: Attack of the Clones claimed that a Master Sifo-Dyas was responsible for commissioning the clone army behind the Jedi's backs. Originally, this character was to be nothing more than an alias for Darth Sidious. However, Star Wars: The Clone Wars revealed that there was in fact a Sifo-Dyas. After Palpatine discovered his secret clone army, he ordered the Jedi to be executed, and took over production of the clones.

Here Palpatine's plan becomes both convoluted and impressive. Making use of this new clone-discovery, he placed Jango Fett as the genetic template and ordered biochips to be implanted into every clone trooper. With the tools for Jedi destruction in place, the next step was to send the clones into action.

Over the years to come, Count Dooku began rallying up systems to break free from The Republic. These growing tensions let to the creation of the droid army and a war that seemed inevitable. Once again manipulating those around him, Palpatine was able to gain emergency powers in the Senate and allowed the clone army to step in and save the day.

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For three years the Clone Wars raged, during which Palpatine was controlling both sides. This way, the war could go on for as long as he needed, all while Anakin was unknowingly being groomed as a future apprentice. While it's unknown how long he planned for the war to last, the realization that Padme was pregnant would've sped it up.

If Anakin was to turn, it was as good a time as any. And so, Palpatine worked to create distrust in the Jedi Order, and planted the idea that Anakin needs to become a Sith to save Padme. With Mace Windu attacking Palpatine in his office, the entire plan hinged on Anakin making the right decision. And Palpatine's years of pandering had finally paid off, as Anakin turned to the Dark Side and Order 66 could begin.

After years of patient planning, Palpatine was finally Emperor and the Jedi were gone. So while the clone army was a huge fluke, he was still great at adapting to new situations, and his plan surrounding the clones was still incredibly impressive.

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Source: Trendz OH

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