Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Peacemaker: Vigilante's No-Kill Policy, Explained | CBR

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Peacemaker, Season 1, Episode 7, "Stop Dragon My Heart Around," available now on HBO Max.

One of the scariest things about Peacemaker's Vigilante is how likeable yet unhinged he is. It first arose when ARGUS decided to keep him around, recognizing that despite being an annoying pest, he's a brilliant marksman in the field. However, the latest episode revealed Vigilante does have a heart and is willing to partake in a no-kill policy. The only catch was a specific condition regarding duct-tape, leaving his peers confused over his motivations.


Vigilante has always been trigger-happy, not caring if it's women, kids or Butterflies. It scared Chris, especially because Peacemaker struggled with murder more recently. To Harcourt, though, ARGUS needed weapons, ergo why she'd give Vigilante leeway, as long as he got the job done.

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He once more seemed ready to kill when he pulled a gun on the Paws a Moment veterinary workers who patched Eagly up after the heroes took down White Dragon, as well as Auggie's racist cult. Vigilante didn't want any witnesses, which left the team divided. Sure, this was by the books and something Amanda Waller herself would sanction, but ARGUS didn't feel this was right. After all, without these vets, the eagle would be dead.

Still, Vigilante argued he and Chris were wanted after the Butterflies framed them for murder. To make it worse, when Vigilante made fun of the the nurses, Economos outed him as a busboy, which made him want to kill the innocents even more to protect his secret identity. Ultimately, Harcourt assumed lead and confirmed they'd just tie them up so the morning staff would find them, but Vigilante drew a weird line in the sand at this point.

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He didn't want to use duct tape because "that'd hurt their skin when they try to pull it off," leaving Economos even more flabbergasted over why he drew the line at tape and not murder. Vigilante ruminated on it for a few seconds, saying yes, which drove his team-mates to get the hell out of dodge.

They had no answers when it came to Adrian's rationale, which harkened back to when the Goff Butterfly held him hostage. He kept making weird faces when he was unmasked, telling Chris this would make it hard to be picked out of a lineup. Chris realized back then he was a puzzle never meant to be solved, and after the duct-tape fiasco, where Vigilante apparently cared for his victims' tender skin more than their lives, Economos got over trying to understand this gun-toting enigma's ways.

To see how Vigilante bends his principles in a weird manner, stream Peacemaker on HBO Max.

KEEP READING: Peacemaker: Why the Show Had to Cut a Key Judomaster Scene

Source: Trendz OH

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