Monday, February 14, 2022

MCU: 5 Heroes Who Suffered Major Injuries (And 5 Villains) | CBR

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has recently taken a dark turn, it's more prone to including character death and serious themes. But even before heartbreaking movies like Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, the MCU hasn’t exactly shied away from major character injuries.

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Fights between heroes and villains often lead to devastating consequences for both sides. While some parties are lucky enough to survive, their wounds are often incapacitating, leaving them vulnerable to further attack. Most injuries aren’t realistically presented, but that doesn’t make them any less significant.

10 HERO: Tony Stark Experiences Countless Injuries Even Before His Tragic Death

The MCU may be abundant in light-hearted content, but it starts out with its most important character receiving a major injury. Kidnapped in Afghanistan, Tony Stark is grievously wounded by one of his own missiles. Ho Yinsen saves his life while strapping him to a car battery. For much of the MCU, this leaves Tony with massive chest trauma, reduced lung capacity, and heart issues.

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The arc reactor he invents later gives him blood poisoning. In The Avengers, he carries the nuclear missile through the portal using an armor that isn’t really designed for space. Under normal circumstances, this would have killed him due to sheer oxygen deprivation. Later movies aren't any kinder to Tony, and he takes several other injuries, including a stab wound from Thanos himself.

9 VILLAIN: Thanos’s Use Of The Infinity Stones Costs Him Dearly

Thanos may have hurt Tony but even the Mad Titan can get hurt. In his case, the most serious injury he takes, other than the lethal ones from Thor and Tony, is actually self-inflicted. Even after taking an axe to the chest from Thor, Thanos uses the Infinity Gauntlet.

In the wake of the Snap, he retires, satisfied with his accomplishment. But three weeks later, realizing the potential of the Stones, he uses them again, this time to destroy them. This act leaves him heavily wounded, scarred, and weakened. He is easy prey when the Avengers come for him.

8 HERO: Steve Rogers’ Super-Soldier Serum Doesn’t Make Him Bulletproof

After the asthmatic and frail Steve Rogers goes through Project Rebirth, the Super-Soldier Serum gives him not only heightened strength and reflexes but also advanced regeneration abilities. The serum is what keeps him alive when he crashes the plane into the ice.

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He survives for nearly seven decades at below-zero temperatures. His later career as an Avenger isn’t without its issues, but his most notable injury may have very well come at the hands of his best friend Bucky Barnes. During Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the brainwashed Bucky shoots and brutally beats Steve, who refuses to defend himself. Without Bucky’s later change of heart, Steve would have most likely drowned, serum or not.

7 VILLAIN: The Red Skull’s Experiments Have Detrimental Side-Effects

The Super-Soldier Serum may have helped Steve but his first nemesis isn’t nearly as lucky. The former head of HYDRA, Johann Schmidt tests Abraham Erskine’s serum on himself, only to become hideously disfigured. The skin on his face peels off, and the deformity earns him the name ‘the Red Skull’.

He wears a mask to hide his injury but later discards it, embracing his lost humanity. It is not the Red Skull’s only horrific injury. During the confrontation with Captain America, he grabs the Tesseract. The Infinity Stone within horrifically burns him and seemingly obliterates him. It is later revealed that he is actually transported to Vormir, where he becomes the Soul Stone’s guardian for decades.

6 HERO: Bucky Barnes Loses His Arm While Falling In The Alps

Bucky Barnes is one of the most tragic characters in the MCU and has an incredibly painful history. Captured by HYDRA and experimented on, he receives a form of the Super-Soldier Serum. The experimentation is horrifically painful but the Serum ends up saving his life when he falls from the train during a mission.

In the process, he loses his arm and he is once again taken captive. Now believed dead, he is submitted to vicious brainwashing procedures through electrocution. He takes brain damage, brutal abuse, and he is cryogenically preserved for over half a century. His experience upon escaping HYDRA doesn’t improve much, as following a conflict with Iron Man, he gets his metal arm blown off.

5 VILLAIN: Brock Rumlow Is Horrifically Wounded During The Fall Of SHIELD

Brock Rumlow is a HYDRA member involved in the Winter Soldier project. Later known as Crossbones, Brock confronts Sam Wilson during the Battle at the Triskelion. Things don’t go well for him, as before he can actually take down the hero, the HYDRA hellicarriers come down. Sam is able to make his escape, but Rumlow isn’t so lucky.

He is crushed under the hellicarier and suffers horrific injuries all over his body. In the aftermath, he becomes incapable of feeling pain and gains a powerful hatred for Captain America, whom he blames for his condition.

4 HERO: Stephen Strange Loses The Use Of His Hands In A Car Accident

Originally a talented neurosurgeon, Steven Strange loses everything after a disastrous car accident. His hands are so badly damaged he can no longer continue his beloved career. He seeks answers in the mystic arts, and in the process, he becomes the pupil of the Ancient One. Eventually, he takes over the position of Sorcerer Supreme.

His new responsibilities aren’t without their risks. When confronting Dormammu, he manages to trap the interdimensional entity in a time loop, but not without being killed innumerable times. Later, he is targeted by Ebony Maw and viciously tortured in an attempt to coerce him to give up the Time Stone.

3 VILLAIN: Kaecilius Is Turned Into A Mindless One By Dormammu

A former Master of the Mystic Arts, Kaecilius may not be very memorable among the villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he ends up having a particularly gruesome fate. His plan to bring Dormammu to Earth goes badly awry after Strange defeats Dormammu.

Following Strange’s bargain with the interdimensional entity, Kaecilius and his allies pay a horrible price for their actions. He and the other zealots are fused with the Dark Dimension and become Mindless Ones. While they are technically still alive, they live an eternal existence of constant torment.

2 HERO: Thor Loses His Eye To His Sister’s Attack

Being an Asgardian doesn’t make someone immune to injuries. Thor has taken his fair share of damage throughout the years. After being turned human by Odin, he is run over by Jane twice. His brother Loki sends the Destroyer after him and the automaton actually ends up killing him.

But Thor’s major long-lasting injury happens in the humorously-toned Thor: Ragnarok. While fighting his vicious older sister Hela, Thor loses his eye. He takes the injury in stride, but considering the circumstances – the destruction of Asgard, he probably had bigger things to worry about at the time.

1 VILLAIN: Loki Attempts To Commit Suicide And Is Brutally Smashed By The Hulk

If Thor has been through a lot throughout the MCU, that’s nothing compared to Loki. The villain-turned-antihero takes quite a beating, in more than one way. Following the devastating emotional blow he receives in Thor, he attempts to commit suicide, falling into the wormhole created by the Bifrost. He's alive, but visibly injured in the post-credit scene.

His return in The Avengers displays one of his most disastrous losses, as he makes the mistake of confronting the Hulk. The scene is viewed by many as funny but it is in reality incredibly painful and leaves Loki terrified years later. During Thor: The Dark World he is stabbed by Kurse. It’s unclear how he survived the injury, but it was definitely real and was meant to be lethal in the original concept of the movie.

NEXT: 5 Characters The MCU Ruined (& 5 It Fixed)

Source: Trendz OH

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