Wednesday, February 9, 2022

GTA V: How Modders Brought Batman to Los Santos | CBR

Batman has long been a staple in pop culture, making his way into nearly every form of entertainment. From films to video games, the Dark Knight has shown how exciting it can be to don the cowl and the power that comes from his many gadgets, vehicles and martial arts skills. Now, he's entering a new venue thanks to a Grand Theft Auto V mod that brings the Dark Knight to Los Santos in an exciting and powerful way.

GTA V players can now experience Rockstar's hit title through the eyes of Batman, donning the cape and gloves and taking on enemies in the city streets. While GTA V's base gameplay makes moving like Batman nearly impossible, this mod offers new animations that bring the power of Batman to life. But what is this new addition to the game truly capable of in terms of combat, gadgets and vehicles?

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Batman's capabilities in GTA are more limited than his Arkham Knight version from a combat perspective. For example, he lacks the counter and cape stun mechanics that make him so hard to hit in the Rocksteady title. To make up for this, he has a collection of new animations that make him far more acrobatic than your average GTA V player character. Aside from traditional punches and kicks, Batman can engage in launching kicks and mid-air corkscrew punches. These attacks deal massive damage to enemies and often take them down in one hit. Batman can also activate electro gloves, similar to the ones he had in Arkham Origins, which allow for even stronger punches and a ground smash that triggers a massive shockwave.

As far as gadgets go, Batman has use of a bat-claw to tether enemies to other objects like cars and lampposts. It can also be used to kick, disarm, pull or electrical pull. Even his cape keeps his glide mechanic, allowing for a dive bomb move that blasts enemies back. While there are fewer moves than other games, the impact of Batman's punches still makes him a force to be reckoned with. Almost every gadget variation features an electric, incendiary, freeze and blast capability. For example, the remote control and regular batarangs all feature these variations and are available in unlimited supply.

The disruptor gun features these variations as well and can activate vehicles remotely. Batman carries pellets that can be used for smoke, blast, freeze, incendiary and electric, allowing him to attack and evade like a ninja. Perhaps his most powerful gadget is the krypto spear from Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. This attack allows the Bat to stab and smack enemies along with the chance to throw the weapon great distances. The best part is if the spear is lost, his bat-claw can retrieve it.

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When it comes to vehicles, the mod also offers a wide assortment of classic cars, jets and a bike. Batman can call upon different Batmobile iterations from past films, and all of them have machine guns with regular, incendiary and explosive rounds. They also have regular, homing and disarming rockets along with tire buster and oil slick capabilities. The Batmobile can be set to self-destruct if a distraction is needed. Batman can also call on his Batpod and Batwings from the 1989 film or 2017's Justice League. These vehicles have similar machine gun and rocket capabilities and also utilize a bodyguard mode that lets the vehicle fire while the player isn't in control. All in all, the vehicles are so detailed they feel more accurate than anything that's come before.

While the player can call on clones or allies of Batman to aid in the battle, what makes this mod so fun and groundbreaking is that in a game like GTA V, where crime is common, playing as Batman feels even more rewarding. Additionally, the city is alive and not sectioned off like in the Arkham games, so the combat feels more realistic. More than anything, though, operating in a realistic city with gadgets and vehicles that are perfect for the character gives a whole new level of immersion players haven't felt with the character in years.

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Source: Trendz OH

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