Kaguya-sama: Love is War is a popular romantic seinen series starring the brilliant Shirogane Miyuki and the crafty and witty Shinomiya Kaguya, who are in the middle of a fierce love war to see who can trick the other into confessing their love first. Kaguya and Miyuki are both incredibly stubborn and prideful, and neither will back down any time soon.
Shinomiya Kaguya has a complex and compelling personality, being much more than just a rich, pampered girl who got everything she ever wanted. Kaguya is a compassionate and strong-willed person who knows what she wants and how to get it, but she's also a kind friend who looks out for others. She can be assessed either with her MBTI personality type or her astrological sign and the meaning behind it.

Shinomiya Kaguya's birthday is January 1st, meaning she was born under the sign Capricorn, one of the three earth signs in astrological lore. Capricorn is represented by a goat -- a hardworking, patient and stubborn creature that will methodically achieve any goal it sets its mind to, and goats are also known for their strong sense of responsibility and compassion. Capricorn is also ruled by Saturn, a body that governs domination and sympathy, and to a lesser degree, insight and caution.
In general, according to astrological lore, Capricorns are noted for being fairly romantic but also pragmatic people who have little patience for delays or distractions, and they dabble in philosophy and abstract concepts as well, so long as they're not too distracted from their practical pursuits. Those born under Capricorn also have a strong sense of justice and duty, and they work hard for not just themselves but the sake of others around them too, with a sympathetic streak to match. These people tend to value their education greatly and have an acute awareness of everything around them, making them great students and fine managers.
Capricorns have less savory traits as well, such as being sore losers and spending too much time trying to analyze why they lost a competition or failed at a task, rather than accepting it and moving on. Capricorns, like fellow earth-based Virgos, can be rather overbearing and demanding at times, wearing out the people around them. They are meticulous and thorough bosses, but they fail to realize that not everyone can keep up with them.
Romantically, Capricorns may find love at first sight, deciding right away if that other person is worth pursuing or not and acting accordingly. Once a Capricorn determines they love someone, they will stick to it, seeking a stable and imaginative relationship with the object of their affection. Capricorns, in particular, seek commitment and enthusiasm from their partners.

Shinomiya Kaguya fits her astrological sign fairly well, even if she sometimes exhibits traits from other signs, such as Cancer the crab. As a true Capricorn, Kaguya has a strong work ethic and greatly values her education at Shuchiin Academy, with grades second only to Miyuki's own, which is saying a lot. This is partly due to her upbringing and the serious expectations put on her shoulders, but all the same, Kaguya has a Capricorn-style sense of duty and responsibility toward herself and everyone around her, whether for the sake of their love lives or schoolwork. Kashiwagi Nagisa often comes to Kaguya for romantic advice, and as a caring and dutiful Capricorn, Kaguya never fails to oblige.
The love battle is where Kaguya's Capricorn nature shines the brightest. She and Miyuki plot endlessly against one another to find victory, and Kaguya especially plans ahead of time and works meticulously to arrange the perfect traps for Miyuki every day. She's the one who will research the next week's weather forecast or carefully study Miyuki's habits or personal info to concoct the perfect plan, treating all this like a proper job in its own right. Capricorns, like Virgos, are all about hard work and diligence, even if it's for something as silly as a love war. As a Capricorn, Kaguya is stubborn and persistent in her affection for Miyuki, and she doesn't handle defeat well either. She simply must get her way, and she'll stay up all night planning if it means victory.
Kaguya is also comfortable in a position of authority and influence at Shuchiin, and as a Capricorn, she likes to give orders and keep everything running as smoothly as clockwork. She has little patience for ridiculous antics or distractions -- a trait she shares with the supporting character Iino Miko, and Fujiwara Chika's carefree and chaotic nature sorely tests Kaguya. Still, a Capricorn like her will care for those around them, and Kaguya does value her friendship with Chika and everyone in the student council. She's here for their sake, not just her own.
Source: Trendz OH
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