Venom went from one of Spider-Man's greatest villains to a hero and a rather good one. He's had his ups and downs over the years, but it's hard to deny just how skilled he is. His symbiote makes him extremely strong and fast while also giving him invulnerability to just about every kind of attack. He can do a lot of damage, and many villains have learned their lesson fighting him.
While there are DC villains that would defeat him rather quickly, there are also some rather tough antagonists who couldn't hold a candle to Venom. The lethal protector is one of the best, and these villains would learn that the hard way.
10 Mirror Master's Weapons Are Great But Won't Help Much Against Venom

Mirror Master has made a name for himself both as a mercenary on his own and as a member of Flash's Rogues, one of the best villains groups of them all. He can travel through mirrors, use them to cast illusions, and his mirror gun has a variety of functions. He's a smart and skilled villain, but that won't do much against Venom.
Venom would bull through all of Mirror Master's tricks. On top of that, Mirror Master is good, but he doesn't have the weapons to take advantage of Venom's weaknesses. He probably wouldn't even figure those weaknesses out before Venom beat him.
9 Doctor Polaris's Magnetic Powers Wouldn't Be Enough To Beat Venom

Magneto made magnetic powers one of the greatest in comics, but Doctor Polaris isn't as powerful as him. While he's still a formidable villain, he's not a smart villain, which will be a problem against Venom. Sure he can throw metal things at Venom, but Venom is fast and mobile.
There's no doubt that a fight between the two would take a while because of Polaris's flight and Venom's web-swinging, but eventually, Venom would get in close. That's pretty much all she wrote as Venom's much greater strength and his symbiote's durability will let him take everything Polaris threw at him and take him down.
8 Two-Face Wouldn't Stand A Chance Against Venom

Two-Face is one of Batman's most iconic villains but that's mostly because of Harvey Dent's relationship with the hero. He's not exactly a huge threat to Batman in a fight and is extremely limited offensively. Two-Face is an intelligent villain, but he's not going to figure out Venom's weaknesses before the hero takes him down.
Venom has all the advantages in this fight. He's faster, stronger, and can take way more damage. Two-Face doesn't have a chance, even if he has a veritable army of henchmen. Venom is just too powerful to lose to someone like Two-Face.
7 Killer Croc Doesn't Have The Muscle Or The Brains To Win

Killer Croc has gotten stronger over the years, but that's not going to be enough. Venom isn't unbeatable, but it takes some thought to take him out, especially for someone with just muscle to depend on. That's going to be a problem for Killer Croc. He's certainly not strong enough to hurt Venom, and while that doesn't give Venom an automatic win, he's not smart enough to win either.
Killer Croc is not going to be able to figure things out at all. He's not strong or fast enough, and he's not going to be smart enough either. This is a pretty short fight for Venom.
6 Captain Cold is Skilled, But Venom Is Too Smart For Him

Flash's villains are a varied group, and one of the best is Captain Cold. Armed with his cold gun, the master of sub-zero is skilled enough to battle the Flash, which says a lot about him. There's a good chance that his cold gun would have an effect of some kind on Venom, but it is his only weapon. Venom is going to see Captain Cold and know exactly what to do.
With his webbing and strength, he can easily pull the gun away. He could even just shoot a gob of webbing into the barrel. Regardless, he'd take away Captain Cold's only weapon and one-shot the villain, taking him out quickly.
5 Bane Has A Slim Chance, But It Wouldn't Be Enough

Bane is one of Batman's greatest foes. While he's a great physical threat to the Dark Knight, it's his mind that makes the whole thing work. That is why he might have a chance against Venom; he may be able to figure out how to hurt the hero. It would still be difficult, as his weaknesses aren't readily apparent, but there is a slim chance.
The problem is that Venom is so much stronger and faster than Bane. Add in his webbing, and the slim chance that Bane has to win goes away. Venom could beat Bane like a drum before he ever figured out Venom's weakness.
4 Solomon Grundy Is Stronger, But Venom Is Faster

Solomon Grundy is one of DC's strongest henchmen, and he's easily Venom's superior in strength. Grundy can fight it out with Superman, putting him way out of Venom's league. However, he is a lumbering zombie; Venom is a quick and mobile fighter. So while Grundy could swat him around if he connected, he wouldn't connect very much.
On top of that, Grundy is just a physical titan. He doesn't have sonics, fire, or electricity to use. That's going to make it impossible for him to actually win against Venom, even with his greater strength. Venom would stay on his toes, pounding away at Grundy and eventually get the win.
3 Deathstroke Has The Smarts But Not The Time

Deathstroke has beaten many strong heroes, but Venom wouldn't be one of them. Much like Bane, Deathstroke is smart enough to figure out Venom's weakness, but that doesn't mean he'd be able to capitalize on it. As strong as Deathstroke is, he can't stand up to Venom in any physical sense, and that's going to make a big difference.
His webbing is also a potent weapon against Deathstroke, allowing him to disarm the mercenary and give him a long-range method of restraining him. Even if he figures out how to hurt Venom, it would be just about impossible for Deathstroke to win.
2 Blockbuster Wouldn't Bust Venom

Blockbuster is the strongest of the villains Nightwing fights. He's as crafty as he is strong, and his status as a crime boss means he has all kinds of henchmen to throw at any who comes after him. Is there a chance one of them has a flamethrower or some other weapon that could hurt Venom? Of course, but Venom is too smart to let them use it or get away with the info on how that weapon hurts him.
Venom would easily wade through Blockbuster's goons before taking on the boss. Blockbuster is tough, but Nightwing, a man with no superpowers, can beat him. With his much greater strength and durability, Venom would find it easy to beat Blockbuster.
1 Prometheus Wouldn't Have The Knowledge To Beat Venom

The Justice League has battled a lot of fierce villains. Prometheus was able to nearly destroy the entire League the first time he faced them, all because of his preparation for the battle. So, if he had an opportunity to study Venom, he'd easily craft a strategy that would give him a good chance against the lethal protector. The thing about Prometheus is that he's not very good with variables.
Prometheus loses because the fight gets away from him; he's not very good at improvisation. Venom is someone who has learned to deal with all kinds of problems and still win. If Prometheus had info on Venom, Venom would win. If Prometheus didn't, Venom would still win.
Source: Trendz OH
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