Thursday, September 30, 2021

Metro Manila Remains Under Alert Level 4 Until October 15

Fully vaccinated individuals living in Metro Manila can move more freely as the government eased restrictions under the extended pilot implementation of the alert level systems.

Metro Manila will remain under Alert Level 4 until October 15, the IATF said, approving recommendations to expand the allowable indoor capacities for fully inoculated persons. The rest of the country will continue implementing the community quarantines. Under Alert Level 4, fully vaccinated individuals are allowed in the following:

  • Indoor dining at 20% capacity
  • Indoor personal grooming services such as barbershops, hair spas, nail spas, and beauty salons at limited 20% capacity
  • Indoor in-person religious gatherings at a limited 20% capacity
  • Gyms, fitness studios at limited 20% capacity, group activities prohibited

Businesses that have a Safety Seal Certification from the government will be allowed additional venue capacity of 10%.

Dining, personal grooming and religious gatherings when held outdoors are allowed at 30% capacity and is open to the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after completing the required shot—two for Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and Sputnik V and one for J&J, the only single-dose vaccine available locally.

Note that under Alert Level 4, only 18 to 65 years old are allowed to go out. Those with immunodeficiencies, comorbidities and other health risks, minors or older than aged 65, and pregnant women will only be allowed to go out for essentials or work in permitted industries.

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Source: Spot PH

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