Mild and asymptomatic patients isolating at home for COVID-19 can apply for benefits from the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, announced the state insurer on August 19. This will allow folks to receive support even without being hospitalized.
The COVID-19 Home Isolation Benefit Package or CHIBP seeks to provide an "alternative option for isolation of COVID-19 confirmed mild and asymptomatic patients who meet the social and clinical criteria for home isolation," said the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) in Circular 2021-0014.
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The package will be implemented only in surge areas identified by IATF and will be paid as a case rate. All Filipinos registered under the National Health Insurance Program are eligible under the benefit package, but those who have yet to register may also be covered provided that they have accomplished the PhilHealth Member Registration Form, the state insurer said.
Services covered by the CHIBP include at least 10 days of home isolation consultations with a physician and 24/7 daily monitoring of clinical and supportive care by a nurse through teleconsultations, and provision of home isolation kits which contain alcohol, face masks, thermometer, oximeter, drugs and medicines.
Physician consultations will be done at least twice during the isolation period, with the initial consultation to be done face-to-face.
Only PhilHealth-accredited facilities in surge areas may apply for re-accreditation as CHIBP provider. Direct filing for claims by the beneficiaries will not be allowed.
Healthcare workers who will be part of the Home Isolation Team will also be given additional incentives, including hazard pay, by the accredited healthcare facility.
For more information, read the full circular here.
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