(SPOT.ph) In this day and age, we seldom put our phones down. You use it to book a ride, get food delivered, shop for random things, pay the bills, and even monitor your vitals. So it really, really sucks when it dies on you and you don't have a powerbank handy. In a report by Forbes, the 20 most battery-draining mobile apps have been revealed by cloud-storage company pCloud.
Top 20 Most Demanding Mobile Apps
Fitbit, which is a mobile app connected to your smartwatch, is the most "demanding" since it requires that at least 14 other phone features are running at the same time. Next in line are social media apps like Skype, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Zoom, YouTube, Telegram, and LinkedIn; while the other category is online dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Grindr.
To understand each app's battery consumption, pCloud looked into the phone features that each app requires to run at the same time. For example, location is always on for social-media apps and health trackers; camera permission is required for the likes of Zoom. The mobile apps' capability for dark mode and energy saver was also reviewed.
pCloud enumerated 30 other power-hungry mobile apps in a more comprehensive chart. The list also indicates on-device storage, which is especially useful for smartphones with limited memory.
What You Can Do to Minimize Battery Drain by Mobile Apps
The cloud company suggests switching to Microsoft Teams and deleting Zoom and Skype because of their storage requirement. You could also stick to just one food-delivery service instead of having separate apps for ordering food.
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