Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Here's a Gift That'd Be Hard to One-Up: A Personalized Message From Maris Racal

personalized celebrity greetings
PHOTO BY Courtesy of ILLUSTRATION War Espejo

( If you have an on-going prank war with a close friend, we have the perfect "weapon" for you: a customized message from their favorite celebrity. And before you banish us to cheezy territory, allow a new platform to make a case for it. We know you usually see those short greetings meant as gifts during birthdays, wedding anniversaries, or the like, but we think it's time to get extra-creative with the opportunity to connect with your idol. Yup, we're talking about asking celebs like Maris Racal, Charlie Dizon, heck, even The Itchyworms, to help you tease your friends—and hopefully lift their spirits at the same time.

"Words of encouragement" were the bulk of requests on FanLove—a new platform where folks can get personalized messages from celebrities—at the start of the pandemic, says founder Krystian Kucharzyk in an exchange with It doesn't take hard data to say that everyone was not okay at the time, so it's easy to see how "receiving a one-of-a-kind message from your idol helps lift spirits in a brand new way."


Eventually, these "one-of-a-kind" messages gave way to "super customized greetings" as people got more comfortable with the platform. " Now, we’re seeing more and more fun, casual, and creative requests," says the FanLove founder.

"For example, we’ve had fans get a celeb to ask someone out on a date on their behalf, tease a friend for having nine cats but no boyfriend, or talk smack about their basketball skills," lists Kucharzyk. And if you're worried your idol might get weirded out, don't be. "The more creative [the requests] are, the more fun the celebs have with them."

What's the Deal With Personalized Celebrity Greetings?

"Creativity is always encouraged," says Kucharzyk. In fact, Kucharzyk first got the idea for FanLove after he was gifted with a super-special greeting. Fans of the OG "show about nothing" Seinfeld may remember the "Soup Nazi" character—yup, that's who the message was from.

"The actor recorded a video message in character [and] mentioned an inside joke between me and my friends—I was blown away! It was such a unique and personal gift, from a celebrity I would never have had the chance to engage with otherwise."

Kucharzyk acknowledges that not everyone may have appreciated the Soup Nazi actor's message—but that's part of the magic of receiving a personalized gift. Everyone has a favorite celebtrity and to have them acknowlede you and say a uniquely personal message is a different high. You may think there's this huge barrier between you and the stars; "It’s not that the celebs don’t want to engage with fans in the same way. There was simply no easy way to do so previously."

Plus, Kucharzyk explains that a video is at least 15 seconds long. "But there is no limit. We give the celebs full creative control over the requests so they can speak to their fans as long as they want," they add. Giftees are also free to share and post their special greeting online! "If the fan personally sends us a reaction video or a thank you message, we also make sure to share these with the celeb."


So let's take TikTok genius Maris Racal for example. She's already known for her super creative—and hilariously relatable—clips online, who knows how much fun your friend would have if they got a cool video with that kind of energy from Racal? And if you manage to get the celeb in on an inside joke or add a little smack-talk, we're sure you might need to pick your friend's jaw back up from the floor.

For more information, log on to FanLove.PH

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