Friday, March 12, 2021

10 Quarantine Things We Didn't Think We'd Actually Need

quarantine essentials
PHOTO BY Shutterstock ILLUSTRATION War Espejo

( Metro Manila is officially one year into community quarantine (and all its permutations) on March 15. That’s one whole year of not leaving your house unless necessary (or unless you’re brave enough to risk having yourself exposed to the outside world and the lingering COVID-19 virus). Day-to-day routines shifted greatly, with people working from home juggling cooking the day’s meals, joining online meetings, attending to kids on distance learning, and—of course—staying sane amid all the ridiculous news. Through all these, there are a lot of things you suddenly needed, both material or not (but mostly material, thanks to online shopping). 

Also read:
What Do You Miss Most About Pre-Quarantine Metro Manila?
10 Quirky Things People Have Been Doing in Quarantine
Community Quarantine: Scenes From Around the Philippines
10 Outfits We've All Worn While Stuck Home in Quarantine

Check all those that apply: Here are 10 quarantine essentials that helped people survive the world’s longest lockdown:

Lightning-Speed Internet

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

Unless you live alone, you’re probably sharing the bandwidth with a partner or a sibling who’s also working from home and maybe one or two kids with online classes. That’s a whole lot of video calls, uploads and downloads, and even gaming apps slowing down your precious Internet speed. Pre-pandemic, we wouldn’t even care and just download all the Netflix shows during lunch breaks at the office. But well, gone are those days. 

Loungewear (a.k.a. pambahay)

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

The trendiest work attire in the past year is the polo-and-pajama combo. But if you’re lucky enough to not have meetings-that-could-have-been-an-e-mail on a daily basis, then that rundown P.E. T-shirt from high school is probably your go-to get-up. Sometimes, you’re able to splurge on fancy loungewear just because there’s no point buying a new pair of jeans these days. 

Fancy Kitchenware 

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

Pre-pandemic, your Instagram feed was filled with food shots from newly opened restaurants or the trendiest cafés. But nowadays, food porn revolves around home cooked meals in fancy plates set against an aesthetic kitchen surrounded with pastel-colored wares. Brewing machines also became a thing because who can’t function without coffee? 

That Trolley 

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

You know which one. While grocery-shopping can be done online, nothing can replace going to the market to choose the freshest meat, fruits, and vegetables. So you do it in bulk and bring with you your trusty and chic shopping trolley. 

An Office Chair 

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

You were still probably in denial in the first few weeks of quarantine, thinking that the work-from-home set-up would only be temporary. So you just plop your laptop on stacks of pillows and go on with your day. Eventually, people started investing in work-from-home essentials, complete with an office chair because we could no longer tell how long this will continue. 

Pots, Plants, and Gardening Kits 

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

Not having a backyard didn’t stop people from growing their own herbs, vegetables, succulents, and other kinds of plants. Balconies were filled with pots and seedling trays while every available corner in the house became a forest of pothos and snake plants. These plants, with their watering schedule and carefully timed hours for exposure to sunlight, were your only source of routine in the chaotic WFH world. 

Streaming Subscription 

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

With theaters and cinemas closed for a whole year, people turned to the next best thing: streaming. You’re probably paying for at least one of these streaming services once a month: Netflix (starts at P149), Broadway HD (P460+), HBO Go (P149), YouTube Premium (P159), or Prime Video (P300+). 

The Comfiest Bed Sheet and Pillows 

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

Your bed is now your favorite hangout. It’s where you watch your movies, go shopping (online, of course), take naps between meetings under your weighted blanket, or maybe even have your meeting right there. So no judgment here if you’ve finally upgraded your nook, considering thread count and all. 

The Bestest Friend (a.k.a. A Dog) 

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

Employees are now spending most of their time at home, which is the perfect set-up for having a pet. (Trust us, they require as much attention as babies, if not more.) Plus, they make the great alarm clocks by waking you up while slobbering on your face; give you every reason to complete your 10,000-step count; and provide the best company in these challenging times. Just make sure you slowly transition them to doggie daycare when you start going back to work (and it will be hard!). 

A Huge Amount of Patience 

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PHOTO BY Shutterstock

Because: news. 

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Source: Spot PH

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