Sunday, February 14, 2021

10 Random Photos to Start Your Week: Current Reads Edition

( Look, at this point we'll hold on to anything that will help us keep us sane as the quarantine reaches its one-year-anniversary—and books are definitely at the top of our must haves. We asked Spotters to share current reads they're catching up with in their free time.Scroll down below and treat this as your own personal book list, curated by your fellow bookworms.


Kicking things off is a read for when you need something introspective.
PHOTO Pam Callanga
This Spotter is taking it back to the classics!
PHOTO BY Pabs Mendoza
A peek into Bong Joon Ho's thought process as he created this masterpiece? Yes, please!
Looks like this Spotter is prepping for the massive blockbuster remake coming up! Fingers crossed it lives up to the original material.
PHOTO BY Mishael Hananiah Azariah
Two very important thought-pieces about the Philippines!
PHOTO BY Karla Rellosa
Our pick for one of 2019's must-read books! Definitely a great gift. 
This self-proclaimed "Crazy Book Lady" is currently making her way through this impressive selection.
PHOTO BY Mariane Perez
This looks like one heck of a fantasy adventure.
PHOTO BY Erenne Gonzales
Take a deep dive into the life of one of rock music's biggest artists.
PHOTO BY Ashley Martelino
And capping it off with another choice Coelho work!
PHOTO BY Odeza Mae

Got some Random Photos?

For next week's edition of Random Photos, we are looking for pics of the best home organizer you've found online. We know "add to cart" is your new hobby; it's up there right next to decluttering. So if you've got a new shelf, drawer, or anything that helps you keep tidy, just e-mail us at and who knows, your photo might just make it in next week's batch!

Hey, Spotters! Check us out on Viber to join our Community and subscribe to our Chatbot.

Source: Spot PH

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