Thursday, January 14, 2021

PHOTO BY Ben & Jerry's ILLUSTRATION Warren Espejo

( Ah, ice cream—it never fails to put us in a good mood when we're having a bad day, because who can resist a cool and creamy treat? As it turns out, the frozen dessert isn't just for us humans anymore. American ice-cream brand Ben & Jerry's has come out with Doggie Desserts—a line of ice cream for dogs in the U.S., so your four-legged friend can join in on the fun the next time you feel like going for a cup or pint of ice cream!

Ice cream isn't just for humans anymore! 
PHOTO BY Instagram/benandjerrysfordogs

In case you were wondering, no, dogs can't eat regular ice cream as their bodies are not made to digest milk after they're weaned. Ben & Jerry's Doggie Desserts are made with sunflower butter and very limited amounts of dairy, making them safe for your pups! (Heck, humans can technically eat it, too.) The Doggie Desserts come in two variants: the Pontch's Mix with peanut butter and pretzel swirls, and the Rosie's Batch with pumpkin and mini cookies. Ben & Jerry's uses only non-GMO sourced ingredients for the best quality. Our fingers (and our dogs' paws) are crossed that these make their way to the Philippines soon!

Choose from the Pontch's Mix with peanut butter and pretzels... 
PHOTO BY Ben & Jerry's
...or the Rosie's Batch with pumpkin and mini cookies! 
PHOTO BY Ben & Jerry's

Ben & Jerry's is a brand of ice cream hailing from the U.S., and is named after founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield. They opened their first scoop shop in Vermont in 1978, and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Unilever. Some of their famous ice-cream flavors (for humans!) are the Cherry Garcia with cherry ice cream, cherries, and fudge flakes; and the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough with vanilla ice cream and its namesake ingredient mixed in.

For more information, check out Ben & Jerry's website.

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Source: Spot PH

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