Sunday, January 17, 2021

10 Random Photos to Start Your Week: WFH Edition

( Can you believe we're barely halfway through January? 2021 is proving to be just as painstakingly slow—and yet action-filled—as 2020 was, so to get some motivation mojo going, we asked Spotters for pics of their work-from-home stations! For sure you told yourself you'll be getting your sh*t together this year, so let these WFH set-ups inspire you.


That bed may look tempting for a midday nap—but that cool WFH set-up will keep you focused.
PHOTO BY Christianne Butalid
Anyone else invest in new furniture for their station? This floor chair looks extra comfy.
PHOTO BY Christa De La Cruz
Talk about Zen.
PHOTO BY Jamie Sanchez
We see you, ARMY! No better motivation, really.
Keeping things basic.
PHOTO BY Jess Perfecto
All this equipment was provided by the company! Yes, we're jealous.
PHOTO BY Jingger Cruz
We're in love with the clean vibes of this set-up.
PHOTO BY Katherine Quan
Pro tip: Keep a picture of your younger self in view to motivate yourself to be someone they'd be proud of!
PHOTO BY Mia Rodriguez
Or you know what would work even better? A pic of you and your mom!
PHOTO BY Ryan Racela
A mobile WFH station. Why didn't we think of this?
PHOTO BY Sita Gonzalez

Got some Random Photos?

For next week's edition of Random Photos, we are looking for pics of your newfound hobby! We know you've suddenly gotten into embroidering, woodworking, ice-cream making, and whatever-else-making lately—and probably have the IG pics to prove it. Show us your artsy-craftsy work and e-mail us at and who knows, your photo might just make it into next week's batch!

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Source: Spot PH

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