Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The X-Men's Most Personal Villain Is Officially Irredeemable

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for X Deaths of Wolverine #4, now on sale from Marvel Comics.

A major aspect of Krakoa and the current direction of the X-Men titles as a whole has been the question of forgiveness and unity. The mutant nation has united plenty of former foes and old allies towards a single common cause, confirming how even former villains could become more heroic. But it seems there are still vicious acts that can cement someone as a villain, such as those of Sabretooth and now, Moira MacTaggert.

Moira MacTaggert's actions in X Deaths of Wolverine #4 (by Benjamin Percy, Federico Vicentini, Dijjo Lima, and VC's Cory Petit) reveals the lines Moira MacTaggert is willing to cross to hurt the mutant nation of Krakoa, and seems to cement her status as a villain.

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Moira MacTaggert has filled an interesting position among the X-Men lately. For decades, the scientist -- believed to be a human -- was a crucial ally to the mutant team. She provided medical and scientific assistance, and fell in love with both Charles Xavier and later Banshee. But the Krakoa era has reinvented the character, turning her into a more morally dubious mutant. Following the events of Inferno and with the full weight of her machinations exposed to the Quiet Council, Moira has been forced on the run, with her powers depleted and an apparently mutant-born cancer killing her. To that end, she's vowed to bring about a final future in which the mutants fall once and for all.

In the past, X-Men villains have become steadfast allies. Longtime foes like Apocalypse and the Shadow King have found the possibility of redemption and acceptance in the current era. On the other hand, Moira is destroying any chance she might have of reaffirming bonds down the line with the mutant heroes. Developing a weapon to attack mutants, Moira is able to sneak back onto the island by luring her former love interest Banshee into a trap. There, she murdered and skinned him, wearing his flesh over her own to fool the Krakoan Gate. Her actions here are excessively brutal, especially considering that Banshee could have been one of her few remaining allies on the island.

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While Moira could arguably claim that mutants like Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Destiny, and Emma Frost have turned against her, Banshee wasn't involved in any of the events that have befallen her. He was unaware she was even alive, and presumably was just happy to see the woman he once loved again -- only for her to kill him and desecrate his body. Even with resurrection as an option, her treatment of Banshee was cruel and brutal, and Moira will have a hard time overcoming what she has done if she ever tries to ally with the X-Men again. It's a shame too, as the morally complex Moira was an intriguing addition to the X-titles. The mysteries of Moira X were an interesting element the current era had been exploring, and it introduced new complexities to the actions of the Quiet Council.

Moira wanting to help mutants in her own way made her an interesting power player in the island infrastructure, setting her up as a wildcard. Now, it appears that Moira has firmly embraced the villainous path she's on. She's killing innocent mutants, using Forge's power neutralizer on others, and kidnapped Destiny to use as a weapon. Maybe there's a chance she'll be restored to a more heroic form down the line, but for now MacTaggert has grown into a dedicated threat to the future of the X-Men.

KEEP READING: The X-Men's Greatest Thief Was Once Defeated - By Cats

Source: Trendz OH

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