WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Power Rangers Universe #3, available now from Boom! Studios.
The Morphin Masters have barely managed to stay one step ahead of the dark forces that have invaded their world, largely thanks to their recently acquired phenomenal powers. However, while their connection to the Morphin Grid has given them an edge over Dark Specter's army, that very same link is tearing them apart. Thankfully, the heroes have found a way to save themselves, though the newly uncovered threat that the Grid poses is neither gone nor forgotten because of it.
After facing off against the invading forces, the Morphin Masters have emerged victorious, albeit bloodied. But, as Orisonth explains in the pages of Power Rangers Universe #4 (by Nicole Andelfinger, Simone Ragazzoni, Mattia Iacono, and Ed Dukeshire), it is their exposure to the impossible power of the Morphin Grid that has left the heroes in such rough shape.

Luckily, Ori is once more able to develop a way to manage the teams' new abilities in the form of a brand new set of Morphers. When things look their worst, the Morphin Masters tap into the Grid, transforming into the Squadron Rangers in unison rather than taking on individual, mismatched Ranger forms. The fact that Orisonth has again saved the team and given them a fighting chance is undoubtedly brilliant, but the secrets they uncovered could be even more incredible.
The Morphin Grid isn't just the source of the Morphin Masters' and Power Rangers' abilities; it is also the source of all life in the universe. The unimaginable energy that the Grid emanates has given birth to dozens of Ranger teams, but that energy is near impossible to contain. The Morphinauts' time in the Grid nearly tore him apart on a molecular level, and when he emerged, he had to be contained within his suit lest he meet a gruesome fate. The volatile nature of the Grid can be seen not just in the Morphinaut but in the way that the Morphin Masters and Emissaries Three shift through various Ranger forms at random. While it was previously understood that Dark Specter was the antithesis of the Grid, leading many to believe he sought to destroy it entirely, that may not be the case now that the true nature of the Morphin Grid stands revealed.

If the Morphin Grid's powers could pose so grave of a threat to the Morphin Masters, there is no telling what would happen if that same energy was unleashed throughout the universe. Dark Specter is obviously not working towards any benevolent ends, but weaponizing the Grid through one of the Marter Arches would be a surefire way to obliterate anyone who stood in his way. Assuming Dark Specter's efforts in the present are the same as his prior endeavors, the Master Arch of the present could be in just as much danger as those in the Morphin Masters' era.
On the other hand, this revelation regarding the Morphin Grid could be just what the Power Rangers of the present need in their battle against Dark Specter. Considering how much they lost in the struggle against the Eltarian army and Empyreals, the heroes could undoubtedly use any edge they can get. However, with any luck, the Rangers won't have to resort to such drastic measures once Dark Specter makes his proper introduction. Otherwise, their most potent weapon against the forces of evil might also be the end of everything they know.
Source: Trendz OH
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