Wednesday, March 23, 2022

How Oscar Isaac Developed Moon Knight's Dual Voices For the MCU

In the upcoming Marvel Studios series Moon Knight, Oscar Isaac has the tricky task of portraying a character with dual selves. Similar to his Marvel comics inspiration, Isaac's Marc Spector has Disassociate Identity Disorder, and in the series, we meet one of his alters, the easily baffled Steven Grant. Early on, Isaac committed to giving both selves distinct voices.

During a Moon Knight press event that CBR attended, Isaac explained how he approached voicing the Marvel Cinematic Universe character, which included bringing a family member to set. "The first step was to hire my brother, Michael Hernandez, to come in and be the other me," he shared. "That's the closest thing to me there is on Earth. He came in and he would play either Steven or Marc, even do the accent and everything, both accents."

RELATED: Moon Knight Promo Spotlights Marc Spector's Heroic Mission

"So that was really helpful to have someone that's not only a great actor but also shares my DNA to play off of," Isaac continued. "Something that I didn't anticipate was how technically demanding that was going to be of having to show up and decide which character I was going to play first. And then try to block that out, give my brother notes, and then do the scene, and then switch characters, and then figure it out. Because one of the -- if not the most fun -- things about acting is acting opposite somebody and letting something spontaneous happen that you didn't expect. But there wasn't really an opportunity to do that. I still had to try to find what makes it feel spontaneous and not all planned out. So that was challenging."

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In January, Moon Knight's official synopsis revealed that the series would be tackling how Spector/Grant discovers he has Disassociate Identity Disorder. Created by Doug Moench and Don Perlin, the Marvel vigilante's struggle with mental illness has always been an integral part of his character. In the comics, Moon Knight's personas have been linked to his past traumas as a mercenary, and, at times, to Khonshu, the ancient Egyptian god who resurrected Spector.

Although it's unknown how the show will approach the origin of Spector's condition, Moon Knight head writer Jeremy Slater shared that the Disney+ series will contain a positive message about mental health. "Whatever we're putting out there in the universe has to be ultimately good and uplifting and have a positive message about mental health," he shared.

Step into the reality-bending world of Moon Knight, debuting on Disney+ on March 30.

KEEP READING: Marvel's Moon Knight Release Date, Trailer, Plot & News to Know 

Source: Trendz OH

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