Sunday, March 6, 2022

Harry Potter: 5 Merciful Characters (& 5 Who Show No Mercy) | CBR

Harry Potter is a modern classic fantasy tale about the secret world of wand-slinging wizards, and while they are all united by their magic, these wizards vary greatly in their personalities and lifestyles. Some wizards are perfectly ordinary students or shopkeepers, while others take great pleasure in harming others for the fun of it.

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This means that most wizards use their magic sparingly and responsibly, and they tend to show compassion and mercy in a wizard duel. Other wizards are determined to vanquish their opponents with no mercy whatsoever, and many of them are dark wizards in the service of Lord Voldemort himself. Others are tough but fair, and they don't forgive mistakes easily.

10 MERCIFUL: Harry Potter Doesn't Aim To Kill

Despite being the one chosen by Trelawney's prophecy to be the one to slay Lord Voldemort, Harry James Potter is a merciful person, and he never even considered using the Killing Curse, or Avada Kedavra, on Voldemort. That's the very spell that shattered the Potter family, but Harry wouldn't dare use it.

Instead, Harry aims to disarm his opponents or Stun them with pacifistic spells, because he's a kind boy who would much rather add joy and hope to the world than violence. Harry has had his dark moments, to be sure, but overall, he's not the type to get an eye for an eye. Mercy is the way.

9 MERCILESS: Bellatrix Lestrange Enjoys Torture & Murder

Bellatrix Lestrange is one of the highest-ranking Death Eaters, and she has fanatical personal feelings about her dark lord, feelings that Voldemort does not return at all. Bellatrix doesn't mind - she is happy simply to be by Voldemort's side and commit all kinds of atrocities in his name and earn praise from him.

Bellatrix is a cruel and twisted witch to the very end, and she personally tortured Neville's parents and broke their minds. She also personally slew Sirius Black and found it funny, and she almost killed Ginny Weasley during the Battle of Hogwarts. Thankfully, Molly wouldn't let her.

8 MERCIFUL: Luna Lovegood Believes In Peace, Not War

Luna Lovegood is a Ravenclaw student in Ginny's grade, and she embodies her wisdom-oriented house in odd ways. Luna is bookish and witty, but she tends to alienate people with her quirky behavior and her passion for seemingly made-up creatures. Most people don't take her seriously, and even Ron has made fun of her.

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Depsite all that, Luna is easy for viewers to like thanks to her gentle, innocent personality and her merciful and selfless ways. She is quick to help friends in need, and she tends to forgive others and try to befriend them. Luna simply won't hold a grudge or act mercilessly for any reason.

7 MERCILESS: Lord Voldemort Lost His Humanity

Tom Marvolo Riddle sacrificed more and more of his humanity on the quest for immortality until nothing was left, making him a cruel and empty shell of a being. In fact, he was born incapable of love, since his Squib mother used love potions to seduce her partner, Tom Riddle Sr. Voldemort was born to be bad, it seems.

Voldemort is the very image of an evil tyrant, a ruthlessly selfish and sadistic being who makes everything about him and what he wants. He will happily exploit, deceive, torture, and kill whomever he must to become the lord of all wizards, and he never once held back in any duel. He'll even kill innocent bystanders at the slightest provocation.

6 MERCIFUL: Cedric Diggory Plays Fair

Cedric Diggory, played by Twilight and Batman actor Robert Pattinson, is one of the most merciful and compassionate students at Hogwarts, being a selfless Hufflepuff to a fault. Cedric is a popular and outgoing boy who likes to work as a team, and he has a strong sense of justice and fairness, too.

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It was Cedric who repaid Harry's favor by giving him a hint on how to decipher the message of the golden egg, and he agreed with Harry to take hold of the Triwizard cup at the same time. Unfortunately, this act of mercy led to his death.

5 MERCILESS: Severus Snape Never Forgives Anything

Now and then, the bitter wizard Severus Snape might show a little compassion for someone or give them a rough pep talk, such as Draco Malfoy, one of his favorite students. As a whole, though, Severus lives up this first name, based on the Latin term for being strict and uncompromising.

Severus Snape is a no-nonsense wizard who demands the best from others, and he won't forgive mistakes or overlook any pranks or hijinks in his class. And if someone threatens or angers him, he will lash out and make them sorry they were ever born.

4 MERCIFUL: Neville Longbottom Is A Harmless & Kind Person

Neville Longbottom is living proof that being a pure-blood wizard doesn't necessarily mean much on its own. He has purely magical blood, but he struggles with magic and has a timid personality that contrasts sharply with the pride of the esteemed Longbottom family. For years, Neville was the target of constant mockery and bullying.

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Neville is a brave and righteous wizard, like any young Gryffindor, but he doesn't believe in violence, and he is reluctant to fight anyone without a good reason. He is a merciful and borderline pacifistic person who made a rare exception when he used the Sword of Gryffindor to behead Voldemort's pet snake, Nagini. It was his finest moment.

3 MERCILESS: Minerva McGonagall Is Tough But Fair

Professor Minerva McGonagall is Hogwarts' Transfiguration Teacher and the head of the Gryffindor house, and she has a reputation for being a strict, tough, and fair teacher to all students. Minerva is highly protective of her students and encourages all of them to realize their potential, but she won't make it easy.

Minerva is much fairer than Snape, but that won't stop her from dropping the hammer on any student who acts up in her class, and she is also a talented duelist who won't waste any opportunity to clobber her opponents. She has no time for this nonsense.

2 MERCIFUL: Arthur Weasley Is Easygoing & Fun-Loving

Arthur Weasley is the head of the Weasley family, and he works in the Ministry's Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, a job he thoroughly enjoys, no matter how little it pays. Arthur is highly protective of his wife and many children, but unlike Molly, he tends to laugh at his children's antics rather than hand out punishments.

Arthur will forgive almost anything if the troublemaker didn't mean any real harm, and he isn't much of a disciplinarian, either. Overall, he is a humble man with a "live and let live" attitude, and that makes him very easy to like.

1 MERCILESS: Draco Malfoy Will Mess With Anyone He Doesn't Like

The only time Draco Malfoy showed any real mercy was when he couldn't bring himself to cast the Killing Curse to assassinate Dumbledore. Other than that, Draco is infamous for his arrogant pride and his constant bullying, and he won't miss any opportunity to harass or demean anyone whom he deems inferior.

It's true that Draco was raised in a dysfunctional household, but that doesn't excuse his merciless and antagonistic behavior toward Harry, Hermione, Neville, and the others. He's quick to cast nasty magic at anyone who looks at him wrong, and he might even appeal to Snape to deal unfair punishments to his enemies.

Next: 10 Harry Potter Spells We Wish We Could Do in Real Life

Source: Trendz OH

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