The Prisoner is one of the 10 starting classes in Elden Ring. Much like in Dark Souls, a character's class in Elden Ring has relatively minimal effect, determining their starting stats and equipment only. However, it can still be an important choice due to guiding the likely direction of a player's build.
Of the classes, the Prisoner is built for a hybrid swords-and-sorcery style of combat, with a slight lean towards Dexterity and Intelligence over other stats. Although a player can turn a Prisoner into anything using any stats, there are some perks to beginning Elden Ring as that class for both experienced and new players.
6 Starting Well-Geared For Sorceries

So far, the type of magic known as Sorceries has become known as one of the more powerful builds in Elden Ring. Although nothing makes the game easy, Sorceries combine effective damage with the safety of fighting at range, limited only by a player's pool of Focus Points. This makes many challenges easier to overcome.
The Prisoner is one of two class builds to lean towards Sorceries. Although it is less effective with them than the Astrologer class, it has the high Intelligence and Mind required to make use of them, as well as starting with a Glintstone Staff to cast them. Having a leg-up on one of the more effective fighting styles in Elden Ring is a good reason to go with the Prisoner.
5 Relatively Light Starting Equipment

Although dodging attacks is more difficult in Elden Ring compared to previous games, it is still one of the prime ways to avoid damage. How fast a player rolls is determined by their equip load, which in turn is a result of their Endurance and the Weight of their equipment.
Most classes start with lighter equipment than the Vagabond, which is the only class to do a slow roll at base, but the Prisoner still has a lighter load than many. With a small weapon and fairly light armor, the Prisoner is medium rolling from the start and has got room to equip more impressive items before they run into issues with Weight.
4 Not Locked Into Any One Build

All classes in Elden Ring are flexible, with no restrictions on leveling or equipment for any character. As such, any of them can be built in any way. The Prisoner, however, due to its fairly general stat spread, benefits from being able to go into several builds without wasting any points.
Despite slightly more Dexterity than Strength, the difference is small enough that a Prisoner can choose to favor either or both. Similarly, although it starts with high Intelligence, it is entirely open as to whether a player builds for Intelligence, blends Intelligence with another stat, or favors another stat entirely and simply has Intelligence to use a few useful Sorceries.
3 Starting With A Decent Weapon

All classes in Elden Ring start with different equipment, including different weapons. The Vagabond begins with a practical, easy-to-use Longsword and the Wretch begins with an almost comically weak club. In keeping with its slight bias towards Dexterity, the Prisoner starts with the Estoc, a fast sword that scales well with Dexterity.
Almost any weapon in Elden Ring is a viable choice, but the Estoc is one of the better starting choices. Despite some unusual attack patterns and timings, the Estoc is fast while still dealing respectable damage, allowing a player to fight carefully and avoid being caught in attacks. While maybe not the best starting weapon in Elden Ring, it is more than viable throughout and very effective in the right hands.
2 Immediate Access To A Powerful Sorcery

As the primary Sorcery class, the Astrologist begins with several spells. This includes Glintstone Pebble, a spell beloved for its simple practicality and effective use of Focus Points. Conversely, the Prisoner begins with the Magic Glintblade Sorcery, which is fiddly and slightly less efficient but fulfills some valuable tactical roles.
The spell's gimmick is that its projectile hovers in the air for a few seconds before firing. While this may sound worse than firing straight away, it allows a canny player to unleash powerful alpha strikes by timing the spell's impact with their own attack or cast the spell and move around an enemy to force them to expose their flanks. It is a versatile and useful tool, and many other classes need to wait much longer to use it.
1 Liurnia Is A Great Area For Loot

One of the differences between Dark Souls and Elden Ring is that, due to the latter game's open world, loot is far more spread out and the game rewards exploration even more than its predecessors. As such, finding good loot is always welcomed, and finding a lot of it is especially good.
A player starting with the Prisoner may be slightly disappointed by the loot available in Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula, much of which is more generally geared. The area that's known as Liurnia of the Lakes, however, is centered around a magic school. This means that a lot of the loot is magical in nature, from Sorceries to weapons that scale with Intelligence. As such, upon getting past Stormveil, a Prisoner player may be delighted by what they find.
Source: Trendz OH
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