Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8 Storylines That Went Absolutely Nowhere

Brooklyn Nine-Nine isn't a sitcom afraid to move the plot forward and have its characters go through a great many storylines. While a lot of the show consists of standalone episodes, there are also plenty of story arcs given to characters or even to the entire cast.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine often has a high level of continuity and interconnectedness, with several episodes leading into longer storylines. At times, however, it seems that the show is setting up for another storyline, only for it to never take off the ground, or fizzle out without any real resolution or real purpose.

8 Holt's Time As A Uniformed Officer

Brooklyn Nine-Nine's seasons tend to end on dramatic cliffhangers, often involving one or more characters being temporarily removed from their job in some way. Season 6 ends no differently, with the reveal that Madeline Wuntch demoted Captain Holt for not having spent enough time as a uniformed officer.

As such, despite his rank and dignity, Holt opens Season 7 as a beat cop who clearly hates his job. After the season's initial episodes, there is little focus on Holt's role—with episodes often writing around it—and he quietly resumes his old job after Wuntch dies, seemingly without having learned anything or gained experience from his time on the beat.

7 Rosa Diaz's Time In Jail

The major bombshell at the end of the show's fourth season is Jake and Rosa being framed for bank robbery, found guilty, and sentenced to prison. Season 5's first two episodes focus on Jake's time in jail, with his attempts to survive forming much of the drama and comedy.

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By contrast, Rosa's time in prison is largely glossed over, except for a comedic subplot involving her, Holt, and Terry. With hints that she is having her own storyline-worthy time in prison, many fans were hoping to see it as well as Jake's. Instead, Rosa is freed without any exploration of her time in prison, and her recovery afterward is given far less focus than Jake's.

6 Jake's Final Mafia Suspect

During Jake Peralta's time in the mafia, he identifies seventeen suspects that he wants apprehended and taken into custody. When he returns to the force, he is told that only sixteen of them were caught, and Season 2's first episode focuses on him and Boyle tracking down Freddy, the final suspect.

Freddy escapes at the end of the episode, causing Jake anguish. It seems like the character may be set up as a potentially recurring nemesis, or at least that the story may be continued in a future episode. Instead, it is never mentioned again.

5 Amy Being Caught Between Her Squad & Her Friends

One of the major developments for Amy Santiago is achieving the rank of Sergeant at the Nine-Nine, and becoming a leader for the precinct's uniformed officers. Several storylines are wrung from this, but one is quickly abandoned in the same episode it is introduced.

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In "Show Me Going," there are hints that Amy is going to struggle when arguments break out between her detective friends and her uniformed squad. However, the episode is understandably taken over with the squad's reaction to Rosa confronting an active shooter, and although Amy's Sergeant duties recur as a storyline, the tension is never again the focus.

4 Rosa & Adrian Pimento's Relationship

As with many sitcoms, there are a number of significant romantic relationships across Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Whether long-term and significant, or more minor and a side plot, these episodes typically take up their own storylines and contribute to some significance to the show overall.

Beginning in Season 3, Rosa starts an unconventional relationship with unhinged detective Adrian Pimento. It continues all the way into Season 5, overseeing assassination attempts, an aborted wedding, disappearances, and more. Ultimately, however, it is dropped early in Season 5 without much significance. While it caused several entertaining episodes, ultimately the relationship contributed little to Rosa's character.

3 Captain Julie Kim's Time In The Nine-Nine

When Holt is demoted to beat cop in Season 7, Captain Julie Kim appears set to replace him. Replacement Captains have been used to great effect in previous seasons of the show, each having an impact on the plot outside of their early episodes.

With Captain Kim, however, she leaves after a very short time owing to the conflict between the Nine-Nine and Madeline Wuntch, having only been in the show for one episode. Some fans were hoping for the character to have a greater level of significance, rather than simply glossing over her exit and having Terry act as Captain.

2 Hints Of Mafia Corruption In The NYPD

Police corruption is a major recurring topic in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, owing to its attempts to discuss the problems facing police in a comedic-yet-sensitive fashion. At the end of Season 1, there are hints that Deputy Commissioner Podolski is involved with organized crime, part of the reason Jake goes undercover with the mafia.

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When Jake returns, there is no mention made of Podolski, and the character is never shown again. Future episodes investigating him and either finding him to be corrupt or exonerating him could have created an interesting discussion about police corruption, but nothing comes of it.

1 The NutriBoom Cult & Jake

In Season 5, Jake impulsively signs up to the pyramid scheme NutriBoom as part of the Halloween heist, which is revealed later that series to be closer to a cult. When the plot thread reappears in the episode "NutriBoom," it seems to be a case of an earlier gag setting up an entire storyline.

However, despite the major events of that episode—including Jake tipping the FBI off to major developments within the group, and Jake, Amy, and Charles all being threatened with surveillance, no further episodes follow up on it. With major potential for storylines, a number of fans were disappointed with the thread being abandoned after the episode was deliberately left open.

NEXT: Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Every Main Character, Ranked By Hilarity

Source: Trendz OH

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