Spider-Man is one of pop culture's greatest heroes. He's long been one of the most popular comic characters ever created, and one can make the argument that Silver Age Marvel didn't truly pop until he came along. For years, he's been battling some of the most dangerous threats imaginable and gets through it with a mixture of his unique powers and sheer persistence.
Hero versus hero fights are always fascinating, and over at Marvel, Spider-Man has won a lot of them. If he were to take on the heroes of DC, there are plenty who would beat him, but he'd also be able to take down some of toughest.
10 Tim Drake Is Good, But He Doesn't Have Anything Spider-Man Hasn't Handled Before

Tim Drake is the most well-balanced of the Robins, and if anyone could figure out a plan on the fly to beat Spider-Man, it's him. The problem is having the resources on hand to do it. Tim's utility belt has all kinds of things in it, but overcoming Spider-Man's spider-sense is going to be very difficult and would take some preparation.
Fighting Spider-Man doesn't really give a person much time to breathe. He's all over his enemies, and he's much faster and stronger than Tim. Tim wouldn't get the opportunity he'd need to come up with a countermeasure, which would give Spidey the win.
9 Red Hood's Got The Skill But Not The Strength

Red Hood has changed a lot since his time as Robin. He's become a much more formidable combatant and is one of the most skilled fighters in the Bat-Family. Red Hood could almost certainly outfight Spider-Man in a straight-up fight, but he's not going to get that chance. Even not taking the spider-sense into account, Red Hood's just not strong enough.
Spider-Man has some amazing strength feats out there. While Red Hood is plenty strong for a regular human being, he couldn't take too many shots from Spider-Man. He'd put up a good fight against the Wall-Crawler, but he'd eventually lose.
8 Green Arrow's Weapons Are His Biggest Weakness Against Spider-Man

Green Arrow's archery skills are what brought him to the ball, but they aren't going to help much against Spider-Man. In fact, his bow and arrows are going to be a target for Spidey. His webs would allow him to deprive Green Arrow of his bow, and a gob of webbing to the quiver would keep Ollie from using his arrows even without the bow.
At that point, it's all over but the punching and the kicking. Green Arrow is tough, but Spider-Man is just too good, and he has the spider-sense to boot. It wouldn't be a long fight, but the quips they fired off at each other would be pure gold.
7 Batman Would Need Time He Wouldn't Have To Beat Spider-Man

Batman has taken down a lot of very dangerous villains. His entire MO is figuring out ways to beat enemies who have him beat in just about every way. He would certainly figure out a way to beat Spider-Man with enough time. There's even a chance that he has something on his utility belt that would help against Spider-Man, but that doesn't mean he's going to win.
Spider-Man has Batman beat in too many categories to lose the fight to him. Once he realizes how serious Batman is, he'll kick it into high gear. Batman can't physically match Spider-Man at his highest level, making this all but academic.
6 Beast Boy's Shapeshifting Won't Give Him Enough Of An Advantage

Beast Boy has been a hero for a long time. While he may seem immature, he's actually very good at what he does. His animal shapeshifting powers give him a lot of options, and they'll certainly be helpful against Spider-Man. Whether they'd help him win is another story. The problem, as usual with Spider-Man, is the spider-sense.
Any of the animal forms that Beast Boy could use to really hurt Spider-Man are going to be easy to avoid. This limits Beast Boy's effective offense to basically nothing, which is never a good thing. It might end up being a long fight, but Spider-Man wins.
5 Animal Man Has A Chance, But Spider-Man Is Better In A Fight

Animal Man is one of the Justice League's most underrated heroes. His control of the Red gives him a wide range of options, and on paper, he has a very good chance against Spider-Man. The problem is that Spider-Man is much better in a fight than Animal Man. So, while Animal Man has what it takes, he's not going to be able to put it all together in time.
Spider-Man has been in pitched battles against all kinds of foes. While Animal Man has a lot of experience as a hero, he can't really compete with Spider-Man's, which will cost him in the end.
4 Hawkman Is Going Find The Spider-Sense An Insurmountable Obstacle

Hawkman has a long history, and he's proven to be a fierce fighter. He's as tough as they come, but against Spider-Man, he has some rather large targets on his back. Spider-Man would target his wings, webbing them up or otherwise taking them out. While this wouldn't stop Hawkman from flying, it does mess up his maneuverability, and that's going to be a problem.
Hawkman's mobility is one of his biggest advantages, and without it, he's just a really angry guy with medieval weapons. That's not going to cut it against Spider-Man, and while it would still be a pretty good fight, it's not one that Hawkman could win.
3 Starfire Would Give Spider-Man A Good Fight, But She Wouldn't Win

Starfire's powers make her a pretty devastating opponent. In her time as a hero, she's come in clutch for every team she's been on. However, she's met her match against Spider-Man. While the warrior princess has some definite advantages, spider-sense nullifies most of them. Spider-Man is excellent at thinking on his feet, so even Starfire's overwhelming power isn't going to daunt him.
A battle between the two would be an exciting affair, but Spider-Man would win in the end. When it comes right down to it, Starfire has never faced anyone like Spider-Man before, but he's beaten people like her. That will give him the win.
2 Booster Gold Makes Too Many Mistakes To Best Spider-Man

Booster Gold is one of DC's most annoying heroes. His sense of humor is actually pretty compatible with Spider-Man's, and the two would get along rather well. In a fight, though, Booster doesn't stand a chance against Spider-Man. Booster is a sloppy fighter, and while he usually finds a way to make up for it at some point, that's not going to happen against Spider-Man.
Booster has a lot he can do against Spider-Man, but his buffoonish nature is going to give Spider-Man too much to take advantage of. Spider-Man would feel bad about it afterward and probably become best friends with Gold.
1 Cyborg's Not Fast Enough To Hit Spider-Man

Cyborg has changed a lot over the years. He's a highly skilled hero and can fight it out with the best of them. Cyborg is the type of hero who has just about everything he needs to beat Spider-Man, but agility is the problem for him. Cyborg's weapons and systems would allow him to nullify the spider-sense, but he's not quick enough to take advantage.
While one can overwhelm Spider-Man if they're as strong as Cyborg, it also takes a lot of speed to get him. That's going to be where Cyborg loses the fight. Spider-Man is too fast and mobile for him. It would be a close fight, but Cyborg still loses.
Source: Trendz OH
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