Tuesday, February 8, 2022

10 Popular Board Games That Hardcore Gamers Hate | CBR

Many tabletop games are household names. Most games that gain this level of popularity are classics that have been available for decades. Over 3000 board games are released each year and very few of them ever gain mainstream traction, leaving them to be discovered only by hobbyists.

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Most hardcore board gamers today feel that many, if not all, of the classics have been outdone. Some even believe the popularity of these classics does more harm than good to the hobby as they limit the perspective of what board games are. These popular board games tend to get poorly reviewed and are rarely played by hobbyists.

10 Risk Is The Best Example Of The Player Elimination Problem

Risk is the popular game of world conquest. Each player controls an army on the board and the goal is simply to eliminate all other players at the table and control the world. The theme itself is already something that rubs many gamers the wrong way but the main problem players have with the game is player elimination. There are many games where players can be eliminated and it is not an issue. However, in Risk, it is not uncommon to be eliminated early and the game may go on for another three or more hours, leaving the eliminated player alone and bored.

9 Yahtzee Is The Illusion Of Choice

Yahtzee is a simple game of rolling and re-rolling dice to score points. Many gamers don't have an issue with the mechanisms of the game itself. The same ideas have been used many times by modern games.

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The main criticism of the game is that the choices players have are far too limiting. At the beginning of the game, players have a good amount of choice since they have every section of their player sheet available but as the game goes on, it usually turns into players rolling the dice and hoping for the best.

8 Cards Against Humanity Thinks Everyone Likes Crude Humor

There is no denying the popularity of Cards Against Humanity. The game often has a dedicated section in stores like Target due to the number of expansions and sets available. However, many gamers feel it casts a shadow over board gaming and is not very inviting. The game is targeted at a young adult audience who enjoy crude humor and many players feel it deters families and younger players from entering the board game sections of stores. While some hobbyists enjoy the game, the majority do not and give it very low ratings.

7 Parcheesi Takes Agency Away From Players

Parcheesi is a classic game that many players are familiar with. In the game, players race animals around a track, attempting to get them back to their homes to win. The main issue that hardcore gamers have is that the game offers very few choices. Players feel that most of the game is simply rolling the dice and moving a pawn that many spaces. The game was created over 16oo years ago so many gamers give it a pass for simply being a product of its time. However, Parcheesi is still sold today and some players feel it gives board games a bad reputation.

6 Munchkin Is A Game That Is Too Silly

Munchkin has more versions and editions than almost any other board game ever made. The game has been extremely popular for over twenty years and it has millions of fans around the world. Hardcore gamers tend to find the game a silly activity with an overemphasis on randomness. While some players enjoy the humorous cards and artwork, many find the game to offer very little strategy. Munchkin has imbalanced cards and opportunities which result in the player who drew better cards winning the game through no choices of their own.

5 The Game Of Life Has A Cool Spinner And Not Much Else

The Game of Life offers players the ability to go through an entire life by spinning a plastic spinner and moving that many spaces. Players have the opportunity to go through college, choose a career, get married, have babies, and more.

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While the theme is certainly appealing to players and the game gets some praise for its ambition, many gamers feel that it relies too heavily on the number that they spin. Life looks good, has interesting 3D pieces, and the spinner is fun to spin, but the gameplay lacks the choices that hardcore hobbyists crave.

4 Uno Is An Unfair Card Game

Uno is possibly the most popular card game in the world, aside from poker. The game can be found just about anywhere and it has many different versions and sequels. While some gamers enjoy the lighthearted nature of the game, many feel that it overstays its welcome, is too punishing, and that it rarely offers any choices to be made. Hobbyists tend to not enjoy games that are as simple and mean as Uno, especially if players don't have much control over the action at the table.

3 Trouble Is Only Played For Its Pop-O-Matic Bubble

Trouble is very similar to the games Parcheesi or Sorry. In the game, players move their pegs and attempt to get them back to their homes before anyone else wins the game. The main difference is that Trouble uses a Pop-O-Matic bubble where, instead of rolling the die, players push down on the bubble and it rolls the die for them. While players find the gimmick to be very neat and some companies have even made similar products that can have any die placed inside of them, hobbyists feel that the game is all style and no substance.

2 Candy Land Offers Zero Choices

Many gamers understand that Candy Land is a game designed for young children, ages three and over. However, players feel that giving children zero choices on their turn is a bad way to introduce them to gaming. In the game, players flip over a card and move their pawn to that space on the board. The player that makes it to the end first wins.

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Gamers feel that there are many other kid-friendly games that offer a much more exciting experience that parents can enjoy as well. Some players even feel that Candy Land is insulting to children's intelligence.

1 Monopoly Is Still The Best-Selling Game In The World

Monopoly has been around for almost 90 years and has been popular for about that same amount of time. Almost everyone is familiar with the rules of the game and has played a version of it at some point in their lives. Many hobbyists feel that the game has been outdone numerous times and that the game itself is too long, too random, and too mean. Monopoly is still extremely popular, but hardcore gamers feel it is one of the worst ways to experience the hobby of tabletop gaming.

NEXT: The 10 Best Board Games For Anyone New To The Hobby

Source: Trendz OH

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