The Dark Knight trilogy is considered by many fans to be one of the greatest film adaptations of Batman. In Batman Begins, Bruce became the titular character and fought against his former mentor, Ra's al Ghul, in order to save his home, Gotham City. In The Dark Knight, he battled with the Joker. Harvey Dent, the man many of Gotham's citizens looked up to, became an antagonist throughout the film and died at the end. Batman decides to frame himself for Dent's crimes and goes into hiding so that Gotham still has hope.
Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, another student of Ra's al Ghul's, Bane, seeks to fulfill his master's goal of destroying Gotham. Bruce, who stayed in his mansion throughout the years, must become Batman again to save Gotham when the people need him most. The film had a great conclusion to what Batman Begins started and there are many The Dark Knight Rises quotes that fans still remember.
Updated on January 30, 2022 by Scoot Allan: Even though fans have seen more than one live-action version of the Batman appear on the big screen since Christopher Nolan's fan-favorite trilogy, Christian Bale's Batman is still as beloved as ever. 2012's The Dark Knight Rises brought the trilogy to an end, but fans continue to rewatch the series to enjoy one of the best cinematic Batmen. We've gathered a few more Dark Knight Rises quotes from the movie to continue celebrating the Dark Knight trilogy.
15 "No One Cared Who I Was Until I Put On The Mask."

The Dark Knight Rises introduced a new unforgettable bad guy to Nolan's trilogy known only as Bane, played by Tom Hardy. Fans got an early taste of the character before the movie was released with a preview of the first few minutes starring the new villain.
The line from the teaser footage stunned viewers and referenced the unique design of the facial mask that obscured his face. It also gave fans a taste of the new League of Shadows and the dedication to their goal. "It doesn't matter who we are. The only thing that matters is our plan."
14 The Idea Was To Be A Symbol. Batman Could Be Anybody, That Was The Point."

Bruce Wayne spent some time grooming his potential new heir after he met young John Blake, an orphan who had deduced his secret identity and grown up to become a police officer. Wayne described his hopes for the role of Batman that both teased Wayne's desire to move on from the role and Blake's possible takeover of the identity.
However, he also used it as a reminder of why he wears a mask in the first place, which is to protect the people they love. "There are always people you care about. You just don't realize how much until they're gone."
13 "Never Steal Anything From Someone You Can't Outrun, Kid."

A new take on Selina Kyle/Catwoman played by Anne Hathaway debuted in The Dark Knight Rises to establish a relationship with both Batman and Bruce Wayne, though she turned on both when she decided to help work with Bane and lure Batman down to the tunnels.
She found a spark of heroism still inside of her after the betrayal when she saw a gang giving a young kid who stole food from them in the League of Shadows-controlled Gotham City. She stopped the gang members from hassling the kid, gave him some food, and delivered an important lesson.
12 "I'm Gotham's Reckoning. Here To End The Borrowed Time You All Have Been Living On."

While the first teaser that introduced Bane showcased his skill and ferocity well, he continued to prove over the course of the movie just why he had earned his place as one of Batman's most dangerous enemies.
He briefly partnered with businessman Roland Daggett to take advantage of his resources, though he showcased his skills with intimidation during their final confrontation when he revealed exactly who he was and what he thought of himself in regards to the future of Gotham City.
11 "You Get To Learn To Hide The Anger, Practice Smiling In A Mirror. It's Like Wearing A Mask."

John Blake proved to Bruce Wayne that he was the right choice to take over for him as Batman in a number of different ways, including Blake's revelation that he had deduced Bruce Wayne's secret identity of Batman years ago when he first saw him during a visit to the orphanage.
He recognized the same fake face put on by other orphans that were displayed by Bruce Wayne. It was a moment that united the two characters while also giving fans a taste of Blake's deductive skills which made him a good choice to take over as the new Dark Knight.
10 "Save Yourself. You Don't Owe These People Anymore. You've Given Them Everything."

Selina Kyle, better known as Catwoman, is introduced in this installment. Throughout the film, she gains feelings for Bruce and asks him to leave Gotham with her when the city needs him the most.
Needing to save everyone he can one last time, Bruce is prepared to fight against Bane and Selina ends up joining in on the action, being the one to kill him. After saving their city, they leave it behind and start a new life together.
9 "Feel The Fire Of 12 Million Souls You Failed."

At first, fans are led to believe that Miranda Tate works for Wayne Enterprises. In what is arguably the biggest plot twist of the trilogy, however, she turns out to be Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Talia.
She worked with Bane the whole time and left Batman with him, telling him not to kill Bruce and that she wants him to witness Gotham's destruction. Like her father, fans were led to believe that she was a completely different character than the antagonist she really was.
8 "Every Man Who Has Rotted Here Over The Centuries Has Looked Up To The Light And Imagined Climbing To Freedom."

Bane puts Batman in The Pit, the most brutal prison in the world that many consider being as bad as Hell. They are not surrounded by bars nor are there any guards watching them. Instead, they are underground and have the chance to climb out of The Pit.
They can always see the outside world, taunting them as they try to escape. However, as The Pit is hard to climb, very few have managed to escape.
7 "I Broke You. How Have You Come Back?"

After Bruce becomes the second person to climb out of The Pit, he returns to Gotham and battles against Bane once more. These words are spoken by the antagonist in the middle of their fight. Shocked to see the bat still standing, he attempts to kill him once more.
Despite believing that he defeated his enemy, nobody can break a symbol of hope and justice. Batman was created to become a symbol, and not even Bane can defeat a symbol.
6 "I See A Beautiful City And A Brilliant People Rising From This Abyss. I See The Lives For Which I Lay Down My Life: Peaceful, Useful, Prosperous, And Happy."

After believing that Batman died saving Gotham, those that knew his identity have a funeral for the billionaire. These are the first words in a powerful speech that Jim Gordon wrote about all that Batman had done for the people of Gotham as well as how Jim plans on honoring his friend's legacy.
Alfred, Lucius, and Blake are the only other people to attend Bruce's funeral, with his butler regretting leaving Bruce in the middle of the film and believing that he failed his master. This scene put a lot of tears in fans' eyes but is also considered to be a great way to end the film.
5 "His Only Crime Was That He Loved Me."

When Miranda reveals herself to be Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Batman and the audience learns about what really happened to her and Bane. Talia was born in The Pit. When she was nearly killed, she climbed out of Hell and found freedom. Bane was injured when he saved her, which resulted in the need for his mask. When she found her father, they saved Bane and Ra's al Ghul made them members of the League of Shadows.
However, when Ra's al Ghul decided that Bane wasn't worthy of joining them, Bane was forced to leave the group. Talia decided to stay with Bane as she never felt like he was to blame for all of the terrible things that had happened to them. In their darkest moments, he was her light.
4 "I've Sewn You Up, I've Set Your Bones, But I Won't Bury You. I've Buried Enough Members Of The Wayne Family."

When Bruce decides to become Batman again, Alfred does not accept his decision. After the deaths of Thomas and Martha, Bruce is the only master he has left. He threatens to leave Bruce behind, stating that he refuses to watch him die and hopes that his absence will change his master's mind.
When Afred leaves, he is not seen again until the end of the film, apologizing to Bruce for letting him down.
3 "I Praised The Madman Who Tried To Murder My Own Child."

In The Dark Knight, Harvey's girlfriend, Rachel, was murdered and he blamed her death on Batman and Jim Gordon. Seeking to kill someone that Jim loves, he nearly killed his son. Batman saved him just in time and told Jim to blame Harvey's crimes on him after he died. For the next eight years, Jim helped the people of Gotham believe that their hero did not become Two-Face.
He wrote a speech that he had considered reading when he thought that the time was right for them to know the truth about their district attorney. However, it was Bane who would end up reading the speech with this incredibly powerful line in it.
2 "I Never Wanted You To Come Back To Gotham. I Always Knew There Was Nothing Here For You Except Pain And Tragedy. And I Wanted Something More For You Than That. I Still Do."

When Bruce left Gotham, Alfred hoped that he would find happiness elsewhere. Every year while his master was gone, he would take time off and go to Florence. There, he would daydream about seeing Bruce, who would have a wife and kids. They wouldn't speak but Alfred would know that Bruce had found happiness.
Alfred says this to Bruce, hoping that he would realize that he is holding himself back from being happy. After faking his death, Bruce went to Florence and waited for Alfred, where his fantasy would become a reality.
1 "A Hero Can Be Anyone, Even A Man Doing Something As Simple And Reassuring As Putting A Coat Around A Young Boy's Shoulders To Let Him Know The World Hadn't Ended."

When Bruce's parents were killed, he met Jim Gordon. The police officer helped the young boy out in his time of need and was always there for him. He never knew that Bruce was Batman until he revealed himself, thanking Jim for all that he had done, and letting him know that he has been just as much of a hero as Batman. Batman would then sacrifice himself to save all of Gotham, leaving Jim to be the city's new hope.
Source: Trendz OH
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