Sunday, September 12, 2021

Vaccination Registration for Minors Now Allowed at These Metro Manila LGUs

metro manila vaccine registration for minors
PHOTO BY Jerome Ascano

( The Philippine Food and Drug Administration on September 3 announced that minors aged 12 to 17 are now allowed to receive the Moderna brand of COVID-19 vaccine. This came after the drug company submitted documents and clinical data about the use of the vaccine for people below the age of 18. A month prior, the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved the use of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine among those aged 12 to 15, amending the previous emergency use authorization that allowed the use of the vaccine for those 16 years old and above.

Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire, however, maintained that the country's vaccination strategy should prioritize the vulnerable populations, which includes the A1 to A5 groups, given the limited supply of vaccines in the Philippines.

Five Metro Manila local government units have started registration for minors from 12 to 17 years old. This is in preparation for when the Moderna and Pfizer can finally be rolled out to the said age group.

Also read: Your Comprehensive Guide to Metro Manila's Vaccination Programs

These places in Metro Manila are now open for COVID-19 vaccine registration of minors:



Caloocan launched their vaccination profiling for residents aged 12 to 17 on September 10. They have a special Google form for this age group; just click on Caloocan COVID-19 Vaccine Profiling.



Makati on September 10 announced that minors can log on to the Makatizen COVID-19 Vaccine website. This move is aimed at helping the city build a master list while waiting for their vaccine supply.



Parents and guardians living in Mandaluyong can register their children who are from 12 to 17 years old through the Mandavax website. Just make sure to use your household code, which you should have received during your registration for the A1 to A5 categories.



Manila City Mayor Isko Moreno announced on September 10 that minors are now allowed to pre-register through the Manila CoVax website.



The municipality of Pateros was the first Metro Manila LGU that opened registration to residents from 12 to 17 years old. Just scan the QR code on the announcement or log on to their Youth Vaccination Form.

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Source: Spot PH

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