Saturday, September 4, 2021

New Bike Lanes in Baguio Aim to Decongest Session Road

That Baguio City has seen better days is a common sentiment from many people who've visited the nation's summer capital the past couple of years. The main culprit? Based purely on the eye test, you could count rapid urbanization and the increasing number of cars as suspects.

To help make the city more walkable again, the Baguio City government recently inaugurated new bike lanes along Session Road. They're separated from the main road by fences and small planters, properly painted and marked, and also sit next to a pretty wide sidewalk.

PHOTO BY City of Baguio Public Information Office
PHOTO BY City of Baguio Public Information Office

Baguio City Government Hopes to Decongest Session Road With New Bike Lanes

This is just one of the many projects the city has in the pipeline with the goal of improving Baguio's walkability. In a video interview, Baguio City city planning and development coordinator Donna Tabangin implied that more development is on the way.

"We have to make sure that even if it takes years and years for us to see the development that we want—and I'm talking of like five years, 10 years, 25 years from now—we have to make sure that all effort as well as the use of financial resources because these are expensive, are towards one end," the official told Regional News Group Luzon.

"We have to make sure that this time, the development is the development we want."

PHOTO BY City of Baguio Public Information Office
PHOTO BY City of Baguio Public Information Office

Other plans include the removal of Session Road's center island, repositioning its trees to the sides of the road, and possibly implementing a tram system that will cater to the city's central business district. Here's hoping Baguio City can turn a new leaf with these types of initiative!

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Source: Spot PH

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