Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Mark Your Calendars: The iPhone 13 May Finally Be Unveiled This Month

iphone 13
PHOTO BY YouTube/Marques Brownlee ILLUSTRATION War Espejo

( If you keep up with Apple's many seasonal gadget releases, you probably know that the first few -ber months are usually an exciting time for the company's loyal fanbase. The iPhone X, XR, 11, and 12 were all unveiled and released in the period between September and November, each model about a year apart. Fittingly, folks are expecting Apple's next iPhone series to follow suit. Though no official date has been announced by the tech giant, experts and insiders are expecting an iPhone 13 reveal by September!

Before we run down all the prevailing hypotheses, it may be worth differentiating between three terms that will come up a lot, namely "unveil" (often interchangeable with "reveal" or "launch"), "pre-order," and "release." Typically, when Apple releases a new iPhone, the process is as follows: They unveil the new smartphone series in a huge event held some time in the last third of the year, they accept pre-orders for the new iPhone soon after the big reveal before the device actually hits stores, and then they finally release the device in Apple stores across the world. With that in mind, expect at least three different big dates to mark on your calendar as you anticipate the release of the iPhone 13.

Also read:
All the Rumors About the iPhone 13: Features, Prices + More
Here's How Much the iPhone 12 Is Likely to Cost After the iPhone 13 Release

When is the iPhone 13 going to be unveiled?

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A dummy model of the iPhone 13 Pro, based on industry leaks
PHOTO BY YouTube/Marques Brownlee

On Wednesday, August 25, MacRumors released a report claiming that the iPhone 13 may possibly be unveiled in an Apple event on September 17, Friday. Their report was based on an image discovered by tech website IT Home in a Chinese e-commerce app, which showed that the next iPhone series would be launched on the 17th of this month. Daniel Ives, an analyst for Los Angeles-based investment firm Wedbush, suggested earlier in August that the iPhone reveal would be in the third week of September, meaning some time between September 13 to 17.

Now, experts have yet to agree on a specific date, but the popular estimates are all pretty close to one another. Front Page Tech notes that September 17 may actually be the pre-order date—meaning the reveal should also be around that time or a little earlier—while September 24 would be the official in-store release, at least in the United States. Tom's Guide published a similar report. Apple Insider also expects a September 24 release, though they suggest that the unveiling could come as early as September 14—a reveal date corroborated by TechRadar’s report on the upcoming smartphone, though the latter expects it to hit stores on September 17.

TechRadar also notes that pre-2020, Apple typically announced the new iPhone on the first or second Tuesday of September. Should they follow the precedent set by launch events held before the pandemic, we may actually see the iPhone 13 as early as September 7. However, experts seem to be leaning towards a date closer to (or slightly past) the mid-point of the month.

Okay, we know that was a lot to take in, but here's a general consensus to keep in mind: Experts seem to agree that the iPhone 13 will be revealed no later than September 17 and released in stores before the month is up.

When will the iPhone 13 be released in the Philippines?

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Top row: iPhone 13 dummy models; bottom row: iPhone 12 models
PHOTO BY YouTube/Marques Brownlee

No international release dates have been announced by Apple, as of writing, but here's a refresher on previous iPhone releases in the Philippines: Though the iPhone 12 series was launched in the United States in October, pre-order in the Philippines only began in early December. However, this large gap between U.S. and Philippine release dates may have been due to the production delays brought about by the pandemic.

In 2019, the iPhone 11 was launched on September 10 and then made officially available in the Philippines starting October 25. It's hard to predict whether the upcoming iPhone 13 will experience any of the production delays of its predecessor, but expect to wait at least a month after the U.S. release before you can see the new iPhone series in local stores.

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Source: Spot PH

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