Monday, September 6, 2021

LOOK: Filipino Inventor Shows Off "Flying Car" in Baguio City

PHOTO BY Facebook/Baguio PIO

If you'll recall, a Filipino inventor went viral a couple of years ago after revealing a "flying car." Air quotes are in order because the vehicle's build looked more like a drone than a four-wheeler, but it was an impressive feat nonetheless.

Well, Kyxz Mendiola and his electric-manned aerial vehicle—are back. The inventor recently gave Baguio City officials and residents a preview of his flying car while on a hoverboard, taking it out for a quick spin around Burnham Park on September 1 to celebrate Baguio Day.


In a Facebook post, the Baguio City Public Information Office shared that the one-seat version of the electric-manned aerial vehicle (EMAV) is ready for mass production, while two- and four-seat models are already under development. Those present for the demo were also treated to the sight of a drone-like hoverboard flying alongside the EMAV.

PHOTO BY Facebook/Baguio PIO
PHOTO BY Facebook/Baguio PIO

And about five days ago, Mendiola shared an image of his unassembled EMAV awaiting its public demo. It must have taken a bit of work getting that thing all the way up to Baguio City, considering its size in an unassembled state.


Flying car or not, we'd much prefer hovering over a traffic-filled EDSA in this rather than moving at a snail's pace on the ground below. Maybe there will even come a day we can fly all the way up to Baguio in one of these.

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Source: Spot PH

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