Monday, September 27, 2021

Got Traffic Fines in Manila? You Can File for Amnesty to Skip Payment

manila city

Traffic violators in Manila City may no longer have to pay for their fines—if they take the city up on its offer for amnesty, that is.

The local government has just announced that traffic and parking fines will be covered by Ordinance No. 8773, which grants amnesty to delinquent business and real property taxes, as well as road violations. 

Mayor Isko Moreno signed the ordinance earlier today, and those interested may avail of the amnesty from October 1 to December 29 only.


Moreno's Facebook post clearly states that "persons who have violated traffic and parking rules imposed under the Manila Traffic Code and No Contact Apprehension Program" may avail of the amnesty.

No doubt motorists who've been caught by the city's traffic cameras are jumping for joy. There's a catch here, though: If you've racked up more than one violation, you will still have to pay for the first one. Only then will fines for succeeding violations be erased.

Details regarding the amnesty process have yet to be released.

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Source: Spot PH

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