Sunday, January 3, 2021

10 Random Photos to Start Your Week: Great Gifts Edition

( And just like that, the holidays are over! We know you're probably still clinging on to what's left of the Christmas cheer so we're here to help you out. We asked Spotters for pics of their fave presents from the holidays—from BTS merch to good old skincare products and more—that may very well be useful for 2021 and even beyond.


So with the official start of the new (work) year, we round up some sweet gifts from 2020. The year may have been bad, but at least we got these cool picks.

Got a random photo you want to submit? E-mail us at and we might just feature it. Don't forget to add photo credits. 

A gift for the hooman and the doggo!
PHOTO BY Milo Marks
A whole year's supply.
PHOTO BY Maria de Jesus
This diary-slash-planner comes with reminders on growing up—something we adults might also need reminding of from time to time.
Perfect for after every wash of your hands.
PHOTO BY Jessico Perfecto
Oh yes, the best practical gift for any Pinoy household!
PHOTO BY Jean Grey
A booklover's dream.
PHOTO BY Ashley Martelino
Nothing sweeter than a gift from your students.
PHOTO BY Ara Rodriguez
A definite ARMY must-have.
PHOTO BY Annika Herico
Quarantine necessities.
PHOTO BY Annika Herico
Stay safe this 2021 and all the years ahead, everyone!
PHOTO BY Akosi Tetey

For next week's edition of Random Photos, we are looking for pics of your most drool-worthy midnight snack! From quick meals with ingredients you found in the ref to instant noodles with a twist, we want to see what you could whip up in the kitchen in a couple of minutes! Just e-mail us as and who knows, your photo might just make it in next week's batch!

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Source: Spot PH

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