Friday, November 20, 2020

No More Single-Use Plastics in This City By 2021

( Single-use plastics are a part of everyday life in the city—but it doesn't have to be. Naga City in Cebu province is the latest local government to join the ban on single-use plastics, with January 1, 2021 as the day they officially start celebrating "No Plastic Day" or "The Green Days" in their area on a daily basis (Read: permanently). 



Local government took a gradual approach to implementing Ordinance 2020-11, as approved by city council months earlier in January 8. From the month of approval to June, "No Plastic Days" were scheduled every Wednesday and Saturday. From June to December 31, "No Plastic Days" are Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, according to Sun Star Cebu.

With the ban in place, all restaurants, shops, supermarkets and the like in Naga City are mandated to "dispose of all their stocks of food and products packages made from plastics, styrofoams and similar non-biodegradable materials and shall replace them with environmentally friendly materials," reads the ordinance, as quoted by PhilStar. Violators face a fine from P500 to P5,000 as well as community service or prison time of one to six months.

The ban is just one part of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Ordinance of the City of Naga, Cebu. Under this, establishments are also required to properly segregate their trash.

There are several places and cities in the Philippines that have already taken a green step towards banning single-use plastics, from tourist destinations like El Nido, Palawan and Boracay Island to business areas like the Cebu City Hall. In Metro Manila, Quezon City has continuously pushed to ban single-use plastics for public use along with several others.

Main image from Pixabay / Hans

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