Wednesday, March 23, 2022

10 Strongest DC Characters Who Can't Beat Thanos, Ranked | CBR

Thanos is one of the deadliest villains in the Marvel Universe. Even without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos is a dangerous threat to any hero or team of heroes he faces; his name is whispered in fear by even the bravest beings. Even foes more powerful than him have been known to fall to Thanos, his mix of power, cunning, and sheer cruelty allowing him to defeat most in his way.

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The heroes and villains of DC are more powerful per capita than their Marvel counterparts, so Thanos would find some great challenges there. However, some of the strongest DC characters would still fall to the Mad Titan.

10 Rogol Zaar's Will Meet His Match With Thanos

Rogol Zaar came out of the gate swinging, beating on Superman and other Kryptonians like they owed him money. He was a deadly threat and is as skilled as they come, especially with his ax. Zaar is definitely stronger than Thanos by a lot, but strength doesn't win every fight. Zaar proved that he could be a canny opponent, but he doesn't have anything on Thanos.

Eternals like Thanos have a wide variety of powers, whereas Zaar doesn't. On top of that, Thanos is much more intelligent and more imaginative in his capacity for causing others pain. It wouldn't be an easy fight, but Thanos would outsmart Zaar and destroy him.

9 Mongul Is A Cheap Copy Of Thanos

Many Monguls have run Warworld, but the current one is possibly the most dangerous of them all. Not only is he immensely strong, but he's also quite intelligent. He's another opponent who is almost certainly stronger physically than Thanos, giving him a seeming advantage over the Titan. That's not much of an advantage, though, as Thanos has beaten many beings stronger than him.

Thanos's ability to channel cosmic energy is going to be of great assistance in this fight. It gives him a long-range attack that Mongul can't match, allowing him to do tremendous damage. On top of that, Thanos is much smarter and more experienced than the current Mongul, which makes a world of difference.

8 Kalibak Is Too Dumb To Beat Thanos

Kalibak is Darkseid's most brutal son, a titan on the battlefields of the wars between New Genesis and Apokolips. He can be a fearsome foe, but his problem is that he's more of a berserker than a thinker. This has its benefits, but it's also going to hurt him a lot against Thanos, who can outthink gods and whose rages are some of the scariest ever.

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Kalibak has some advantages over Thanos, but they aren't going to help very much because Kalibak is dumb. He's quick to anger as well, giving Thanos some easy ways to exploit him. As dangerous as Kalibak can be, Thanos would play him like a drum, beating out a new song on him.

7 Solomon Grundy Is Too Limited Of A Combatant

Solomon Grundy is one of DC's strongest henchmen, and for good reason. He's strong enough to challenge heavy hitters like Superman and never questions orders; he just needs to be pointed in the direction of the enemy. He's cannon fodder of the highest order, which can be useful in battle but isn't going to make a lick of difference against Thanos.

Grundy is undoubtedly stronger, but that's all he has. Thanos could carve him up from long-range, blasting him apart with cosmic energy attacks and sending him back to Slaughter Swamp for reincarnation.

6 Cyborg's Powers Wouldn't Avail Him Against Thanos

Cyborg's been through a lot of changes over the years, becoming a much more potent hero with every upgrade. Cyborg can be a pretty formidable tank, and even when he's not the strongest hero on the field, he can still do a lot of damage because of how clever he is. Unfortunately for him, being smart isn't going to win him the day against Thanos.

Cyborg has a lot of weapons he can use against his enemies, but Thanos would be able to overwhelm him one on one. He's good at staying on top of his enemies, not giving them time to think of ways to beat him, which is precisely how he'd destroy Cyborg.

5 Conner Kent's Impulsive Nature Would Be His Downfall

Conner Kent made his name replacing Superman in Metropolis and then as a founder of Young Justice and a member of the Teen Titan. As a clone of Superman mixed with Lex Luthor DNA, his powers are pretty great, but they have never really reached the level of his genetic father. On top of that, he's always been rather impulsive, which definitely isn't going to help against Thanos.

Conner's flight gives him options that Thanos doesn't have, and he's probably stronger than the Mad Titan, but that's not going to make too much difference. Thanos would be able to take advantage of Conner's personality, drawing the young hero into a situation he'd never escape from.

4 Martian Manhunter's Easily Exploited Weakness Would Give Thanos The Key To Beating Him

Martian Manhunter has a formidable mix of powers and the experience necessary to use them at the highest levels. In fact, his power set is very close to the type of Swiss Army knife powers of Eternals like Thanos, making this a rather good fight. The problem comes in Martian Manhunter's very pedestrian weakness.

J'onn has Thanos beat in so many ways that he'd take an early advantage in the battle. Thanos, always observant, would notice the way Martian Manhunter avoids fire and put two and two together. He'd find a way to use fire against the hero, picking up the win.

3 Jon Kent Has The Power But Doesn't Have The Experience

Jon Kent is turning out to be a better Superman than most imagined. His youthful exuberance and power set have made up for his inexperience. Such things aren't going to be able to help him very much against Thanos, though. While Jon is almost certainly more powerful than Thanos in nearly every way, Thanos is a wily veteran.

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Age and experience have proven to be more than a match for youth and power, something Thanos would painfully teach young Jon Kent. It would still be an epic battle, but Jon's lack of experience would have him wishing his father was there to help him against Thanos.

2 Wonder Woman Would Lose Because Thanos Cheats

Wonder Woman is one of DC's most important heroes. She's a potent presence on any battlefield and punches way above her weight class. She's as skilled as she is powerful and has proven to be more than a match for everything thrown at her, including the gods. This gives her a lot in common with Thanos, but the difference is that Wonder Woman is honorable and Thanos isn't.

So, even though Wonder Woman has Thanos beat in many categories, he's going to be able to defeat her. Thanos knows how to take advantage of foes like the Amazonian, giving him an advantage. While it would still be a difficult battle, Thanos would defeat her.

1 Shazam Is Certainly Powerful Enough, But That Won't Matter

Shazam is one of the most powerful heroes on the planet, blessed by the Wizard with a variety of abilities. He's proven to be a devastating combatant and an all-around great hero, one who has made a big difference in every battle. Even his youth isn't that much of an issue, as he has the wisdom of Solomon on his side. On paper, Shazam should be able to beat Thanos.

The reality of the situation would be very different. Thanos has made a career of beating foes who were more than powerful than him, so Shazam would fall to him. It wouldn't be an easy battle, but Thanos is used to starting off on the back foot, outsmarting his enemy, and triumphing.

NEXT: 10 Ways Thanos Would Be A Better DC Villain

Source: Trendz OH

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