Saturday, February 12, 2022

Naruto: 10 Villains Who Aren't Actually That Bad | CBR

The story of Naruto is packed with a dazzling variety of legendary shonen characters, from the members of Team 7 to the Konoha 11 squad to the terrifying villains, all the way from Zabuza of the Mist to princess Kaguya Otsutsuki and everyone in between. These villains are some of shonen's best.

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The villains of Naruto vary not only in their preferred jutsu and fighting style, but also in their worldview and personality, and some villains really aren't so bad after all. Antagonists such as Danzo Shimura and the cruel puppetmaster Sasori are easy to hate, but a handful of other Naruto villains have their good side too, whether or not they actually had a redemption arc in the original story.

10 Zabuza Momochi Cared For Haku

Zabuza Momochi was the first jonin-rank villain whom Naruto ever encountered, appearing partway through the journey to the Land of Waves. Zabuza was hired by the cruel businessman Gato to assassinate the bridge builder Tazuna, and he took on Team 7 all by himself to complete that mission.

Zabuza has committed too many atrocities to be forgiven or redeemed, but then again, he turned on Gato in the end, and he dispatched many of Gato's men before dying next to his beloved companion Haku, which helped humanize Zabuza somewhat.

9 Haku Simply Followed Zabuza Around

Haku was the bearer of an ice-based kekkei genkai, which allowed him to create ice mirror arrays to trap his enemies. Haku was certainly an antagonist during the Land of Waves story arc, since he tried to kill Sasuke and Naruto in his array, but he was not a wicked person at heart.

Haku was simply Zabuza's loyal companion, no more and no less, and he wasn't especially cruel either. In fact, Haku had once been abandoned in his youth and might have died of exposure, but Zabuza adopted him, and that gave Haku a new purpose. He's simply repaying Zabuza's kindness.

8 Gaara Was In Pain

As a whole, the Sand ninja Gaara of the Sand is actually a protagonist, but he was an antagonist for a time. He was a major player in the chunin exam story arc and ranked among that arc's most powerful and scariest characters. He was like a boss battle for everyone who fought him.

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Even at the time, Gaara wasn't as bad as a villain because he was a dark reflection of Naruto himself, a lonely orphan in pain. Gaara was shaped not by evil in his heart, but by the terrible circumstances that would corrupt anyone who found themselves in that position. And sure enough, Gaara was soon redeemed.

7 Kimimaro Wanted To Serve Orochimaru

Kimimaro Kaguya was the most powerful of Orochimaru's minions for a time, but he was also suffering from a deadly disease that no one could properly cure. At one point, Kimimaro was moving through sheer willpower, and that shows how talented he was.

Kimimaro was a serious and deadly opponent for Rock Lee, Naruto, and Gaara in that order, but he was only following orders, nothing more. To Kimimaro, this was business, and he took no particular pleasure in fighting the Leaf ninjas. But he also wouldn't show them any mercy.

6 Deidara Loved His Art

Some Naruto villains are beyond redemption, and the explosive Deidara of the Akatsuki is one of them. Despite that, Deidara isn't nearly as evil as some other Naruto characters, and he had relatively tame motives and methods by comparison. He's definitely still evil, though.

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Deidara takes great pride in his explosive jutsu style, and no one can blame him for that. For him, art and business are one and the same, and he sold his services for a time until he lost to Itachi Uchiha and was forced to join the Akatsuki. He had a relatively tame personality among the Akatsuki, and he had compassion for his compatriots.

5 Konan Is Simply Misguided

Konan is a native of the Land of Rain, just like her childhood friends Yahiko and Nagato, and all three orphans suffered greatly living in that war-torn and impoverished nation. No one could really blame Konan for getting desperate, though she went quite far to advance the Akatsuki cause and must be held accountable for that.

During the events of Naruto, Konan didn't commit any particularly heinous acts, and her hands are clean by Akatsuki standards. She later accepted Naruto's offer for peace and became an antihero of sorts after that.

4 Nagato Acted Out Of Desperation

Nagato awakened the Rinnegan Eye during a scuffle in his childhood. Ever since then, he has further developed his ocular jutsu until he eventually put Rinnegan eyes in the Six Paths of Pain as well. Nagato trained under Jiraya for a time, but then he went bad.

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Nagato committed many atrocious acts as the puppetmaster behind Pain, but he was simply misguided, like Konan, trying to fix the cycle of hatred the wrong way. He still had his good side, and that's why he listened to Naruto's "talk jutsu" and agreed to believe in Jiraiya's dream of peace once again.

3 Karin Liked Sasuke Much More Than She Did Orochimaru

Karin is a hot-tempered redhead kunoichi who joined Sasuke's team Hebi, later called Taka, along with Jugo and Suigetsu. Karin had been affiliated with the sinister Orochimaru for years, but she wasn't nearly as evil as he was. She was making the most of some unfavorable circumstances.

Karin joined Sasuke because she personally admired him and didn't have many other options, and later on, she was shocked when Sasuke tried to kill her. She even met Naruto and noted how warm and sunny his chakra is. Karin has since become a minor protagonist, proving she was never really that bad.

2 Jugo Doesn't Want To Hurt Anyone

Jugo is another member of the Hebi/Taka team, and he is noted for being the first person to ever have a curse seal. When angry, he flies into a destructive rage and might wipe out an entire village, and he has a reputation for it. However, Jugo can't stand this violent streak of his.

Jugo is like Naruto's Bruce Banner, a normally mild-mannered fellow whose monster side emerges whether he likes it or not. No one would like Jugo when he's angry, but Sasuke has use for him, and Jugo does his best to serve as a reliable friend and not just a monster. In fact, he often hid himself away to protect the world from his Hulk side.

1 Yahiko Was Once Like Naruto

Once upon a time, Yahiko was like Naruto Uzumaki, minus the tailed beast within. In his boyhood, Yahiko had a noble dream to uplift the downtrodden Rain country and protect its people as a benevolent, god-like figure. For a time, Jiraiya supported the boy and his grand ambitions.

Unfortunately, Yahiko also had a dark streak in him, and he was more ruthless than Naruto ever was. He later died and was controlled as Pain by Nagato to end the cycle of hatred and violence somehow. Deep down, though, Yahiko was almost like a shonen protagonist himself, and he acted out of frustration, not malice.

Next: 10 Anime Villains Who Have Good Intentions

Source: Trendz OH

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